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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

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Goonz Skyrim SE Mod List with Modding Tutorial

This is my 2021 Mod List, it's an extensive overhaul of the gameplay and graphics, I give clear, detailed instructions, for everything, that makes it pretty easy to get installed, but you have to have some knowledge of how to use Vortex and 7zip

Anniversary Edition Update Fix

This guide is not Compatible with the Anniversary Edition Update yet, I have not tested anything out or updated myself yet, you will have to roll the game back to the previous Skyrim Special Edition version it was built for, if you need help doing that then you will have to join my Discord here- Goonz Discord Server[] and underneath the Help with Modding topic, see the thread titled SSE Anniversary Edition Update Fix, everything you need is there

I do plan to update this guide to work with the Anniversary Edition Update in a few months, when I work my way back around to Skyrim again, I will update my game and I plan to add a lot more mods to my list and do a play through them, then I'll update my guide

Don't Forget to Rate The Guide

If you want to thank me for all the time I put into making this guide and keeping it up to date Please Rate it with a thumbs up, Bookmark it to your Favorites,and recommend it to others, a good rating will help it show up on the first pages of the Guide sections, so it does not get buried and others will find it easily

Gameplay Video

Coming Soon, I am lazy about making videos, because I hate doing it

If there is any youtubers that want to make a video and post the link in the comment section, I will gladly pin it in the guide, as long as it's good quality and you didn't skip any of the graphic mods

My Discord Server

People that use my guides have ask me a lot to make a discord server, so I finally got around to doing it, so if you need help, have questions, or just wanna be apart of a modding server and hang out with like minded people that adore these Bethesda games and modding, come join

Friend Requests
I get so many friend requests because of my guides, it is impossible for me to accept all of them, my steam friend list has a limit and as time goes on I would get confused as to who everybody is, so I just don't accept any, it's nothing personal against anybody, if you have questions or need help use the comment section of the guide, or join my Discord to reach me faster


This is my 2021 Mod List, it will continue to grow, I am constantly playing Skyrim or one of the Fallout games, and I always add new mods to the guide after I do a play through with them, I give clear, detailed instructions, for everything, that makes it pretty easy to get installed, but you have to have some knowledge of how to use Vortex and 7zip, I linked the Official Vortex tutorial videos in the mod manager section, watch some of those first if you have never used Vortex

This list is meant to be installed in the order I provided it in, you don't have to install it all, if you don't want to use some of the mods, but the ones you pick, should be installed in the order I listed, because I provide the conflict rules in this order, this guide was written specifically for Vortex, if you try and add any mods to this list other then texture and meshes you could break it, any mod you try and add that is not in this guide will have to be checked in Xedit, and I will not be able to give much help, It's hard to provide support for mods I do not use, but you can ask me, and I'll give ya the best answer I can

Clean Install

A fresh copy of the game is requirement for this guide, no exceptions, if you skip this and something breaks, then its your fault, and I will not help you

First open file explorer and select View at the top, and make sure you have File name extensions and Hidden items check marked, so they are enabled

In file explorer, go to what ever drive you have your game installed on, go to steam/steamapps/common and delete the Skyrim Special Edition folder.
Now go to Users/?Your User Name?/Documents/My Games and delete the Skyrim Speacial Edition folder, Now go to Users/?Your User Name?/AppData/Local and delete the Skyrim Special Edition folder, Now go to Steam and under your game library right click Skyrim Special Edition, go to manage, then Uninstall
If steam is installed in your programs files directory and you only have one drive
Moving a Steam Installation and Games
All so make sure your Drivers are up to date

Now reinstall Skyrim Special Edition and DO NOT put it in your Program Files Directory, once installed, boot the game one time and close it out, make sure and do this, you have to boot the game one time to establish the .ini files for the game and for Vortex, when you set up the graphic options, select Ultra, and under Advanced turn off Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, Snow Shader, and Lens Flare

To keep your mods from possibly breaking in the future
They may be an update inbound with this new skyrim anniversary edition coming Nov 11, they are suppose to integrate 3 creation club mods into the Special Edition, that means the SSE executable with be updated and SKSE64 will not work until it is updated, and the game itself will be changing, so I recommend you back up a complete copy of the vanilla game and make sure the game is on Update only when launch

Open Steam, go to your game library and right click Skyrim Special Edition and select Properties, open the Updates tab, under the Automatic updates tab change it to Only update this game when I launch it and close the window, Now Steam will only update the game when you launch it from Steam or the main game executable file, and you will be launching the game from the script extender from here on out, so the game will not update and break your mods.

Mod Manager

This Guide was written specifically for Vortex, if you try and follow it with MO2, then you are gonna have to be an experienced users, that could build a mod list like this on there own, I don't use MO2 but I would imagine that you would have to install and order this list in a completely different order then I have, and your plugins want come out in the order mine have and its hard for me to provide support for a mod manager that I have never used, they are lots of MO2 users on my Discord that follow my guides, you could probably find help there
For help with Vortex, here is the link to a youtube playlist of how to use it
VORTEX - A Beginner's Guide

Vortex Mod Manager[]
Download the first main file titled Vortex, click the Manual Download
After it is downloaded go to your downloads folder and double click the Vortex executable and let it run, then launch Vortex,at the top right corner click the account circle and then click log in on Website, then Authorize Vortex, now you can download mods. For Vortex to find a game you have to have it installed and booted the game at least one time, in Vortex open the Games tab on the left, at the top click scan and do a full scan, let the scan complete, your game should now be in the Unmanaged section, click on it to manage and after it is done you should get a notification in the top right corner on the bell icon, that mods can't be deployed, select fix, select next, then select apply fix, then its going to bring you to the settings page at the mods tab, at the mod staging folder select suggest, then select apply. By default your mods archive folder will be on your C Drive where Vortex is installed, if you want to change this then in Vortex, open up settings, select the downloads tab at the top, under Download Folder select the folder icon and place it on another drive and create and name a new folder, I keep everything, Mod Archive Folder, Mod Staging Folder, Modding Tools Folder, and My Games on my D/Drive


  • Modding Tools Folder
    Create a folder, not in the program files directory or the game folder, put it somewhere, were you want ever have to move it, if it gets moved later, it will break the Vortex dashboard links we are gonna create, I placed mine on my D-drive as a standalone folder
  • 7zip []
    Main File- Download 7-Zip 19.00 (2019-02-21) for Windows, 64-bit x64
    Run the executable and install it to your Modding Tools folder
  • SSEEdit []
    Main File- SSEEdit 4_0_3
    Create a new folder, name it Xedit and extract the download to it, after move that folder to your Modding Tools folder
    On the Vortex Dashboard, click add a tool, we are going to add both xedit exe here. the first one under Name put SSE Edit, then under target, click the file icon far right and go find the SSEEdit.exe, in your Modding Tools/Xedit folder, once you have it selected, click open, bottom right corner and the click Save on Vortex, now it is added to the dashboard. Do the same with the SSEEditQuickAutoClean.exe and name it SSEEditQAC so you know which is which on the dashboard. Do the same with one more, and go find SSEEdit.exe, and this time give it the command -veryquickshowconflicts and when you run this one, it will by pass all the loading in process and go straight to checking all active plugins for conflicts

Cleaning the DLCs

This is a very simple and fast process, you will have to do one manual edit and I have linked a short video below from Gamer Poet, watch it first, he shows you everything, and I also recommend subscribing to his channel he makes some awesome content that may help you on your journey of modding

Now that the game is freshly installed and Vortex has detected it, go to the plugins page, underneath Flags hover your mouse, you will notice on all the dlc, the far right icon says Requires Cleaning, LOOT is not always right about mods tho, some mods require those ITMs to be there to function and if you clean them, you will break the mod, any mod that needs cleaning in my guide, I will tell you

From the dashboard on Vortex, run SSEEditQAC, agree to the pop up window, wait a few secs and close the next window, now select one dlc at a time, so check box it, select ok at the bottom and wait for it to finish, you will get a message at the bottom of the screen saying Background Loader: finished, then close it out, go back to Vortex to the plugins page and select sort now, and as you do you will notice the icon underneath Flags will disappear, now repeat the process for all the dlc .esm's, one at a time, after on the plugins page in Vortex, LOOT will have a message for you on Dawnguard, click it and click the link and it will open a web browser page with a detail picture and instructions on what to do, If that seems confusing to you, then just watch the video below and follow along with gamer poet, that way you know you are not making a mistake
How to Clean Mods & DLC

ini Tweaks

BethINI- []
Main File - BethINI Standalone Version v3.5
Extract the download and place the new folder into your modding tools folder
My Bethini settings
Run the BethINI.exe and select Skyrim Special Edition
Select High Preset and Recommended Tweaks, then follow these screenshots for a mix between performance and good visuals

Settings to look out for, you will need to change these settings in BethINI, then double check your SkyrimPrefs.ini as well to make sure they changed

Goonz SkyrimPrefi ini[]
This is my SkyrimPrefs.ini I play with, its all so set up for the enb I use tho, you can download it and extract it and use it to cross check your own, but do not try and replace mine with yours, just use it to cross check

After you set your ini files up, do not boot the game from the normal launcher or it could reset them and you will have to do all this over

iShadowMapResolution=2048 Theres no point in turning these up any higher, it can hurt your performance
bEnableProjecteUVDiffuseNormals=0 This setting will break BDS v2.11.0, but it is required to be on for BDS v3.3
bSAO_CS_Enable=0 Off for Enb
bSAOEnable=0 Off for Enb
bUse64bitsHDRRenderTarget=1 This setting is required by most enbs, even if it does not say it on the page, with the exception of some very light performance enbs that may not make use of it
bVolumetricLightingEnable=1 Most Enbs all so require this
bEnableImprovedSnow=0 Off because its broken shader
bDrawLandShadows=1 Most Enbs require this
bDoDepthOfField=1 Some Enbs require this to be on, some say turn it off
bLensFlare=0 Off for Enb
Some mods have specific settings for this, for my mod list use 6000

I am sure they are others I left off, I am typing this last minute off the top of my head, you need to follow what the enb page says for ini tweaks, and if there is none listed, ask
here is a mini guide on what most the settings mean Guide:Skyrim INI[]

Good Modding Tips

Always disable steam overlay, steam cloud saves and any other overlays, like Nvidia's Ge Force, Discord, Afterburner, etc. , they are known to cause memory leaks and other issues, never have anything running that is not necessary to run the game, you don't want anything diverting resources from the game

Dont ever add and remove mods midgame, once you have your tested load order set up, leave it alone, don't update mods, just do your playthrough, I wouldn't even look at nexus once you finalized your load order, or you will get sucked up into the big black hole of modding and end up not even playing much, you can add and remove pure mesh and texture mods, but mods with scripts or plugins will break your save if removed midgame, and an update could do the same thing, so don't do either

-Save Files
Never use Auto Save or Quick saves, always operate off a Manual Save, and always make a new Manual Save each time, do not save over top of a previous Manual Save, just make a new one, and never load in on a auto save or quick save, when you die, the game will load you back on your last auto save, if this happens load your last manual save

-Picking Out Mods
When you are picking your own mods, always read all you can about the mod, its description and requirements, what it does, and look at the comment section and bug reports and see if any other users are reporting issues or incompatibilities with other mods, you can search these comment sections for specific words by pressing ctrl and F and then type in the word and press enter, it will take you straight to any posts with that word in it and test the mods one at a time, throughly

Always check your mods in Xedit for conflicts and errors, always check nexus for patches made by mod authors, you will always have conflicts in a load order, it doesn't mean it is a bad thing, in most cases you want have to do anything at all, its just an overwrite, where you use two mods that touch the same thing, so the plugin loading last wins and you lose the changes from the other plugin, sometimes you may have to adjust the load order to resolve a conflict, by creating a custom rule on the plugins page in Vortex, or make a patch plugin by using the copy into overwriting option in Xedit and just forward changes, and then theres time when a conflict can not be resolved and you have to choose between two mods. It really comes down to the mods, and what particular change is conflicting, using Xedit is not something you will learn overnight, it takes time and experience, if you are gonna mod these Bethesda games, then it is the most essential tool there is, other then your mod manager, to get familar with it read this
Tome of xEdit[]
I put together a playlist of some helpful Xedit videos here- Xedit Video Playlist

Performance Tips

I play on a Nvidia RTX 2070 Super and an Intel i7-9700f with 16gb ram on a 1080p monitor
This mod list runs at a constant 60 frames everywhere I go, the lowest fps I have ever seen with it is 57, it is one of the best running mod lists I have ever built, until I throw an Enb on it, Enbs can be very taxing, so when you pick an enb, pick wisely, and do not go beyond your limits, or you will not have a good experience while playing, the enb I picked is one of the most performance taxing ones there is, but for me I stay around 60 to 56 frames, it may drop from time to time, in heavy areas to as low as 52, the lowest I have ever seen is 48 and that was just for a split second, around a lot of trees with the trees shadows effect going and heavy ambient occlusion, for the most part I run everything in this guide at around 56 to 60 at all times with my enb, I went with 2k on almost everything, and by doing that it leaves more performance room for the enb, 4k textures are costly and you will see little difference from a 2k, unless you shove your face right up on the texture, then it may look a little bit sharper, I suggest you stick with what I wrote in the guide and do not pick 4k when I have wrote 2k

I use these settings and play in Fullscreen
Nvidia Users
Open up Nvidia Control Panel, and select manage 3d settings, on the right side of the screen select the Program Settings Tab, then select the Add button, Then select skyrim, and scroll down and enable the following
Max Frame Rate- 60fps
Power management mode- Prefer Maximum Performance
Triple Buffering- On
Vertical Sync- On
After make sure and select Apply at the bottom

Before You Download Anything

These mods listed in my guide should be Endorsed, they all deserve it and an Endorsement shows some appreciation for all the hard work the Authors put in for FREE so we can play Skyrim looking Beautiful, so please hit that ENDORSE button, it cost you nothing, just a click of the mouse

You should all so go here WIZKID34[] and give wizkid some kudos, he is responsible for some of the most important visuals mods in my mod list that he did not have to share on his Discord, show your appreciation

Instructions for using the guide

They were lots of conflicts I had to resolve with this list, so some things will not work right until you get to the end and install the patches

For all these mods in the guide I will list the file and the version that needs to be downloaded, keep an eye on that, if a mod gets updated, depending on what it is, you may need to use the version I use, most visual mods should be just fine to update, but if its something else with a plugin, depending on what is in the new update, it could create a conflict I am unaware of, and need things forwarded in Xedit to get it working correctly, if you are unsure ask me, or if you need a version of a mod I use, let me know, I will share it with you, I always answer all comments and messages as soon as I see them

For each mod, unless I say other wise, you download it from the files tab, on the mod page, with a mod manager download, you install it and enable it, makesure if the mod has plugins that they are enabled as well and then I will list any FOMOD instructions and Conflict Rules, the guide will be easier to use if you right click any where on the guide and select copy url and paste that url into your browser and use the guide there

On the mods page in Vortex click the gear clog on the far right corner to open up settings, on the drop down menu check box Dependencies, a new section will appear out from your mods, when a mod has conflicts, a lightning bolt will appear out from the mod in this section, click this lightning bolt to set your conflict rules, as you install my list, its much easier and less confusing to do it here, instead of doing it from the notifications bell or the manage rules at the top

If you need to find anything specific in the guide, and do not want to skim through it, you can press ctrl and F at the same time to bring up a search box and type a word and press enter, it will tell you how many times that word is mentioned in the guide and by pressing enter you can skip to each time and place it is mentioned in the guide to find stuff faster

Do not clean any mods as you go, if something needs to be cleaned, I will list it, most of these mods that have ITMs in them, require them to function and if you clean them, you will break the mod

My mod list is flexible with textures, I understand everybody has there own tastes and you may not like the Whiterun retexture I use as good as the one you like, or something else, you can pick, choose, and swap the textures all you want, but if you add any mods with plugins, depending on whats in it, you could break the load order, I suggest you don't, unless you are experienced and know what you are doing in Xedit

If you use Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul listed in the guide, which I highly recommend you do, my opinion is its one of the best mods ever made for Skyrim, and my mod list is built for compatibility with this mod, it is not compatible with most of all the city changer mods like JKs Skyrim, or mods that heavily edit NavMeshes, I even found my favorite ship retexture DK's Realistic Nord Ships was not compatible, because it edits NavMeshs, so if you are looking to add mods of your own to this list, keep an eye on that

Script Extender, Bug Fixes and Quality of Life

  1. Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019[]
    Scroll down underneath Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 and click the file titled x64: vc_redist.x64.exe , then run it and follow the prompts, You more then likely already have this, you can open up Control Panel, go to Uninstall a Program and scroll down and see if you have it, if you do you will see it as Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64), if you don't install it and reboot your PC afterwards
  2. Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)[]
    Vortex will now offer and install this for you, and thats the way I do it now, you will get a notification, click it and agree, it will take you to the script extender page, click on Current SE build 2.0.20 7z archive and Vortex will download it and install it for you in the mod manager, after it is installed, open up the game folder Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition and right click the (skse64_loader.exe), and select create a shortcut and drag that shortcut to your desktop and for now on click this shortcut to boot your game
  3. Address Library for SKSE Plugins[]
    Main File- All in one v2
  4. SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin)[]
    Main File- (Part 1) Engine Fixes v5.6.0
    Main File- (Part 2) Engine Fixes - skse64 Preloader and TBB Lib v2020.3
    For Part 2 only, manual download and extract and place the contents of the download into the Skyrim SE game folder
  5. PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions[]
    Main File- PapyrusUtil SE - Scripting Utility Functions v3.9
  6. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch[]
    Main File- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch v4.2.5b
  7. More Informative Console[]
    Main File- More Informative Console 0.43
  8. Mum's the Word[]
    Main File- Mum's the Word v1.2.1
  9. Better Jumping SE[]
    Main File- Better Jumping SE v1.7.1
  10. Sound Hammering Sounds[]
    Main File- Sound Hammering Sounds v1.0
  11. Point The Way[]
    Main File- Point The Way v2.0.6
  12. Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice[]
    Main File- Fuz Ro D'oh v1.7
  13. The Paarthurnax Dilemma[]
    Main File- The Paarthurnax Dilemma v 2.0.1
  14. Lock Related Loot[]
    Main File- Lock Related Loot v1.2
  15. Stackable Stones of Barenziah with Optional Quest Markers[]
    Main File- Stackable Stones of Barenziah with Optional Quest Markers v1.0
  16. USSEP bugfix incorporation to SSoB[]
    Main File- SSoB USSEP incorporation v1.0
  17. Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE[]
    Main File- Alternate Start - Live Another Life 4.1.4
  18. First Person Camera Height Fix[]
    Main File- First Person Camera Height Fix v1.2.2

Base Textures

  1. Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
    Part 1- Download and extract this to your Downloads folder, after it creates a folder titled data
    Part 2- Download and extract this to that data folder from part 1
    Part3- Download and extract this to that data folder from part 1
    Update- Download and extract this to your Downloads folder, go inside the Skyrim Realistic Overhaul 1.8. Update folder and drag its data folder into the data folder they are all extracted to, now its all combined into one mod, and you can pack the data folder into a zip file, after name it Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, and drag and drop it into Vortex, into the Drop Files Box at the bottom
  2. Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM[]
    Main File- SMIM SE 2-08
    FOMOD- Select Skyrim 2016 Special Edition: Everything
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  3. Static Mesh improvement Mod - SMIM - Quality Addon[]
    Main File- Smim - Quality Addon v1.3
    Rules- Place this After Static mesh improvement
  4. Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K[]
    Main File- A. Noble Skyrim - FULL PACK_2K v5.5.0
    Update File- NSM - SMIM Patch v5.5.0
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, After Static Mesh Improvement Mod
    Rules for NSM - SMIM Patch- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, After Static Mesh Improvement Mod, and After Noble Skyrim
  5. Underground - a dungeon texture overhaul[]
    Main File- Underground FOMOD v1.2
    FOMOD- Select Custom installation, then select Caves, Mines, Dwemer
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks

Mesh Fixes

  1. Unofficial Material Fix[]
    Main File- Unofficial Material Fix 1.17.0
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement and Quality Addon
  2. Assorted mesh fixes[]
    Main File- Assorted Mesh Fixes v0.32.2
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement and Unofficial Material Fix
  3. Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes[]
    Main File- Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes v2.3
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  4. Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes[]
    Main File- Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes - FOMOD v6.4
    FOMOD- Select ELFX, Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods, and Walkway Wall Fix SMIM
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
    On the plugins page disable the Landscape and Water Fixes- Patch- ELFX.esp and Landscape and Water Fixes- Patch- LFGM.esp plugins, I will remind you when to enable them
  5. Whiterun Mesh Fixes[]
    Main File- Whiterun Mesh Fixes v1.1.5
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh improvement

Enb Talk

Some enbs can be extremely taxing on performance, whatever Enb and Weather mod you use is a big decision, not only will it effect your framerate, but the changes they make will change how the entire game feels, so take your time and test every aspect of it, make sure thats what you want to play with, you can change enb presets midgame, but you can not change weather mods, whatever weather mod you start your playthrough with, is what you are stuck with until you start a new playthrough, you do not have to use what I use, my mod list is compatible with any weather and enb you want to use, I will list some great suggestions below and provide install instructions for what I am using in the next section

  • firemanaf Enb Author[]
    firemanaf is a great enb author, he has several enb presets and they are all great, he all so provides Quality presets and Performance presets in the download folder, he is the only enb author I know of that goes out of his way to make performance versions of his presets, I highly recommend checking them out
  • Rudy ENB SE for Obsidian Weathers[]
  • Rudy ENB SE for Cathedral Weathers[]
    Old Files- Rudy ENB SE for Cathedral Weathers v2.0

Enb and Weather

This is not a performance Enb, its the most taxing Enb on Nexus, it is all so the only enb that is tuned for Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows mod on Nexus, if you end up liking it, test it very last as well, with everything installed and make sure you are gonna be able to run it, Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows alone can cost some frames, if it was me and I was getting less then 50 fps or any stutters, I wouldnt use it, pick your own, suited for your hardware

  1. ENB Binaries[]
    Click the latest build, which is always the highest number, at this time it is v0.460, scroll down and click the download arrow, create a folder, name it ENB Binary and extract the download to that folder, open it up and select Wrapper version Folder and copy/paste 2 files from here titled (d3d11.dll) and (d3compiler_46e.dll) into your Skyrim Special Edition game folder
  2. ENB Particle Patch[]
    Drag the zip into Vortex, drop it in the box at the bottom of the screen titled Drop Files to install, after go into the game folder, Skyrim Special Edition/Data and delete the Particle Patch for ENB SSE.esp, after deploy your mods and confirm your changes
    Rules- Place this Before everything it asks
  3. ENB Helper SE[]
    Main File- ENB Helper SE 1.5 for SSE 1.5.97
  4. Cathedral Weathers and Seasons[]
    Main File- Cathedral - Weathers v2.23b
  5. Obsidian Mountain Fogs[]
    Main File- Obsidian Mountain Fogs 1.01
    You don't download this, If you are using Obsidian Weathers
  6. Smooth Sky mesh - SSE[]
    Main File- Smooth Sky Mesh 0_262
    You do not need this if you are going to use the enb I use, something similar is included
  7. Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows[]
    Main File- Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows v1.0.2
  8. Rudy ENB SE for Cathedral Weathers[]
    Main File- Rudy ENB Cathedral Weathers ADDONS and REQUiRED Files Part I FOMOD v4.0
    FOMOD- Select Bright Hawks and Birds Fix, Snow Texture
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
    Main File- Rudy ENB Cathedral Weathers required files Part II v4.0

    Main File- Rudy ENB SE for Cathedral Weathers v4.01a
    Download this with a Manual Download, extract it and open up the Catherdral Weathers Version/ Skyrim Se Folder and copy paste all of the contents into your game folder, it will be enbseries folder, enblocal.ini, and enbseries.ini, after go into the Addons folder of the downloaded enb and open up the lighting mods and night eye folder/ normal game folder and inside the If you use ELFX (with Enhancer) folder copy/paste the enbseries folder and enbseries.ini into your main game folder and select replace when prompted, go back into the Addons folder and open up the Optional rain drops folder and inside are 9 folders, open each one and have a look and select a rain drop you like, I went with small double, once you have decided, copy/paste the enbraindrops.png into the enbseries folder in your game folder and select replace when prompted

    Once in game to get rid of the Black Bars, open up the enb menu by pressing Shift and Enter at the same time and over on the right side of the menu very bottom option ENBEFFECTPOSSPASS.FX, click it to expand all the options and scroll down until you see Enable Letterbox Bars and uncheck it, and then on the top left side of the menu click Save Configuration


  1. Enhanced Lights and FX[]
    Do not select the Enhancer option on the FOMOD, I use ELE which does the same thing as the Enhancer, but does it better
    Main File- Enhanced Lights and FX v3.06
    FOMOD- Select Enhanced Lights and FX, Do not select anything for the Exteriors, on Patches select SMIM Meshes and SMIM Lantern, and No Candle Smoke
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
    On the plugins page enable the Landscape and Water Fixes- Patch- ELFX.esp from earlier
  2. ELFX Fixes[]
    Main File- ELFX Fixes v5.7
    FOMOD- Select Vanilla and ENB ELFX Meshes
    Rules- Place this After Enhanced Lights and FX, Static Mesh Improvement Mod, and Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes
  3. ELFX Dwemer Floor Footsteps Fix[]
    Main File- ELFX Dwemer Floor Fix v2.0
    Rules- Place this After Enhanced Lights and FX
  4. Improved Hearthfire Lighting SE[]
    Main File- Improved Hearthfire Lighting SE v1.2.1
  5. Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - Special Edition[]
    This mod will make all interiors look way better and more realistic, but it all so makes dungeons darker, use a torch or spells when you need them, test it out, because this mod may not be for everybody, if you don't like it, don't use it, or the next mod, try the ELFX Enhancer or just plain ELFX no Enhancer
    Main File- ELE - SE v1.2.2
    On the plugins page in Vortex, select Manage Rules at the top, then create this rule, select Add, then Close, and Sort Now at the top
    ele_sse.esp / must load after / elfx fixes.esp
  6. ELE-ELFX Consistency Patch and Tweaks[]
    Main File- ELE - ELFX Consistency Patch and Tweaks v1.2
  7. Lanterns Of Skyrim II[]
    Extract this first, then drag both files into Vortex and install
    Main File- Lanterns Of Skyrim II - FOMOD v3.1
    FOMOD- Select LoS II- Tamriel Master Lights (Cities version) Addon and LoS II- SMIM patch, select Guards Armor Replacer SSE, select Interesting NPC Addon, select Northern Marsh Bridges patch, select LoS II- Legacy of the Dragonborn V5 patch
    Rules- Place Lanterns of Skyrim II After anything it asks
    Optional File- Interersting NPC - Tamriel Master Lights Addon (all versions)
    Rules- Place Interersting NPC - Tamriel Master Lights Addon (all versions) After Lanterns Of Skyrim II - FOMOD
    On the plugins page in Vortex disable the following plugins and I will remind you when to reactivate them later
    Los II TML- Guards Armor Replacer patch.esp
    Los II- LotD patch.esp
    Los II- Northern Marsh Bridges patch.esp
    3DNPC- LoS II- Tamriel Master Lights addon.esp
  8. Smoking Torches and Candles[]
    Main File- Smoking Torches and Candles v1.76
    FOMOD- Select Smoking Torches (Subtle), Max Quality, and ESPFE
    Rules- Place this after Skyrim particle Patch, Static Mesh Improvement, and Enhanced Lights and FX
  9. Embers HD- WiZkiD Enhanced Edition XD - Inferno (ELFX Edition)[]
    This is WizkiD's combined version of Embers XD and Inferno
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  10. TB's Improved Smoke (Beta)[]
    Optional File- Water Wheel Particle Patch - TB's Improved Smoke (Beta) v2
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim particle Patch
  11. ENB Light[]
    This is WiZkiDs fixed up version of Enb Light, it includes a lot of enb particle mods and some textures with it
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  12. DUST By Ramccoid[]
    Main File- DUST v6 x2048
    Rules- Place this After the Skyrim Particle Patch
  13. Better Moons[]
    Main File- BetterMoons V1.1 8K v1.1
  14. Moon Glow and Bigger Moons SE[]
    Main File- Smaller Moons v2.0

Mesh Patches

  • Mesh Patch for Various Mods[]
    Main File- Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes - Assorted Mesh Fixes Patch v1.12a
    Rules- Place this After both Dlizzo Mesh and Assorted Mesh

    Main File- Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - ELFX - Unofficial Material Fix Patch v1.12a
    Rules- Place this Before Embers HD Wizkid and Enb Light, then After everything else it asks

    Main File- SMIM - Assorted Mesh Fixes Patch v1.12a
    Rules- Place this After Both Assorted Mesh and Static Mesh Improvement

    Main File- Unofficial Material Fix - Assorted Mesh Fixes Patch v1.12a
    Rules- Place this After both Unoffcial Material Fix and Assorted mesh fixes


  1. Unofficial High Definition Audio Project[]
    Main File- Music - HQ v1.0
    Main File- Voices EN - Part 1
    Main File- Voices EN - Part 2
    On the Plugins Page in Vortex select Manage Rules at the top and create 6 load order rules for all the esps of this mod to load before the unofficial skyrim patch, after select Add, then Close, then at the top select Sort Now
    unofficial skyrim patch.esp / must load after / unhdap - en0.esp
    unofficial skyrim patch.esp / must load after / unhdap - en1.esp
    unofficial skyrim patch.esp / must load after / unhdap - en2.esp
    unofficial skyrim patch.esp / must load after / unhdap - en3.esp
    unofficial skyrim patch.esp / must load after / unhdap - en4.esp
    unofficial skyrim patch.esp / must load after / unhdap - musichq.esp
  2. Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE[]
    Main File- Audio Overhaul Skyrim (3.3.2)
    Miscellaneous file- Weather Patch for Obsidian Weathers and Seasons or Cathedral Weathers which ever one you are using
    Miscellaneous file- Conflict Resolution for Enhanced Blood Textures
    don't install this yet, I will let you know when
  3. Immersive Sounds - Compendium[]
    Main File- Immersive Sounds Compendium 3.0
    FOMOD- Select Less Intense + Instant Impacts, Semi-Smooth Equip, Realistic Twangy, Extra Gory Killmoves, Select all 4 Creature Options, Silent Nirnroot Sound, Oblivion Skillup Sound, Dungeon Ambiance, Silent Sneak Attack
  4. Audio Overhaul - Immersive Sounds Integration[]
    Main File- Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Immersive Sounds Compendium Integration (1.0.2)
  5. Immersive Sounds Compendium - PATCHES[]
    Main File- ISC Enhanced Blood Textures Patch
    don't install this yet, I will let you know when
  6. Dragonborn Shouts Revoiced[]
    Main File- DragonbornShoutsRevoiced1.1

    -Volume Warning
    You can test all these next audio mods on the mod pages, but if you are wearing earbuds like me, turn your volume down, I learned this the hard way, and all these want sound that loud in game, they sound like they belong

  7. Hypertrichosis -Werewolf Sounds Rework[]
    Main File- Hypertrichosis -Werewolf Sounds Rework- v1.1PA
    Optional File- Hypertrichosis -Moonlight Tales Mini Patch- v1.1PA
  8. Penumbra -Vampire Lord Sounds Rework[]
    Main File- Penumbra -Vampire Lord Sounds Rework- v1.0
  9. Immersive Dragon Sounds -iDS- (Enigma Remaster)[]
    Main File- Immersive Dragon Sounds -iDS- (Enigma Remaster) v1.3
    Rules- Place this After Immersive Sounds Compendium
    Update File- iDS RE Update 1.3.2
    Rules- Place the Update File After the Main File
  10. Arachnid -Spiders Sounds Rework SFX[]
    Main File- Arachnid -Spiders Sounds Rework SFX v1.0
  11. Falmer Sounds -The Betrayed Remaster[]
    Main File- Falmer Sounds -The Betrayed Remaster- v3.0
  12. SIRIN -Hagraven Sounds Rework[]
    Main File- SIRIN -Hagraven Sounds Rework v1.0
  13. Phantasmagoria -Ghosts SFX Voice Rework[]
    Main File- Phantasmagoria -Ghosts SFX Voice Rework v1.0
    Update File- Phantasmagoria -Update- v1.1
  14. Airgetlam -Modern Magic Sounds Rework[]
    Optional File- Airgetlam -Lower Volume- 5 v3.1
    Optional File- Immersive Sounds Compendium Compatibility Patch 5 v3.1
    Rules- Place the Patch After Immersive Sounds Compendium
    For this, make sure and adjust the magic volume in the game audio settings


  1. Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS Correct Metal SE[]
    Main File- Sparkles 1.3
  2. Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS Correct Metal SE - Immersive Sounds Patch[]
    Main File- Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS Correct Metal SE - Immersive Sounds Patch
    On the Plugins page in Vortex, Select Manage Rules at the top and create this load order rule, after select Add, then close, and select Sort Now at the top of the Plugins page
    sparklesse- immersive sounds patch.esp/ Must Load After/ sparklesse.esp
  3. Enhanced Blood Textures SE[]
    This mod has some issues with enbs were it displays a square on the ground on certain surfaces like snow, instead of displaying its normal blood decal, most of the time it works right, but you may experience some of the above, if that bothers you, don't install it or any of the patches for it from the audio section
    Main File- Enhanced Blood Textures SE v3.8
    FOMOD- Select Effects Distance Short, nothing else, and I stayed with Default color
    Now install the 2 Blood Patches I had you download earlier and on the plugins page create this custom rule
    isc enhanced blood patch.esp / Must Load After/ aos_ebt patch.esp
  4. Arctic - Frost Effects Redux[]
    Main File- Arctic - Frost Effects Redux v2.1
    FOMOD- Select Ultra, Realistic Hue, x.5, Standard, Frost Meshes Patch
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light and After anything else
  5. Thunderbolt - HD Lightning[]
    Main File- Thunderbolt - HD Lightning v1.0
    Rules- Place this Before Embers HD and After Skyrim Particle Patch
  6. Deadly Spell Impacts[]
    Main File- Deadly Spell Impacts v1_70
    FOMOD- Select Default
  7. CleverCharff's Photorealistic Ash Pile[]
    Main File- Ash Pile 2K v1.3
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  8. ElSopa HD - Dirt Blast SE[]
    Main File- 2K ElSopa HD - Dirt Blast v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Dust
  9. SOUL by Ramccoid[]
    Main File- SOUL v2 x2048 v2.0
  10. 1st Person Candlelight Fix[]
    Main File- 1st Person Candlelight Fix v1.0.0
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  11. Holy Wards - a retexture[]
    Main File- Holy Wards - a retexture v1.2

Base NPC Changes

  1. Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul SE[]
    Main File- Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul v0.4
    FOMOD- Select Core and If you used ELE like me choose that, if not choose nothing
    click Manage Rules at the top and set this rule, select add, then close then select Sort Now at the top
    Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp / must load after / alternate start - live another life.esp

    If some some reason you want to use AI Overhaul SSE instead, I maintain a patch hub on Nexus for the Npc replacers in this guide, I will list that link at the bottom in the Conflict Resolution and Patches section

  2. Realistic AI Detection SE (better sneaking)[]
    Main File- Realistic AI Detection 2 SE - Lite v2.0
    In Vortex on the plugins page, double click Realistic AI Detection 2 SE Lite.esp and n the Group Tab change it to Late Loaders, then click Manage Rules at the top and set this rule, select add, then close then select Sort Now at the top
    realistic ai detection 2 se lite.esp / Must Load After / immersive citizens- ai overhaul.esp
  3. Immersive Patrols SE[]
    Main File- Immersive Patrols SE v2.2.4
  4. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE[]
    Main File- Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO Final
    Optional File- RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final
    After go into the game folder, Skyrim Special Edition/Data and delete the RDO-CRF USSEP Patch.esp and go deploy your mods
    This mods plugin should automatically get sorted to load after Immersive Citizens, if for some reason it does not, then create a custom rule on the plugins page to make sure it does
  5. Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE[]
    Main File- Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE v2.17
  6. Realistic Conversations[]
    Main File- Realistic Conversations v2.1
  7. SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators SE[]
    Main File- SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators 1_65_02 NOSM (No SurvivalMode) v1.65.02
  8. SkyTEST Integration Project SE[]
    Main File- SkyTEST No Extra Spawns v1.65
    Main File- SkyTEST Vanilla and DLC Creature Extension v1.2
    Rules- Place No extra Spawns After the Skytest Realistic Animals and Predators
  9. True Hunter - fewer animals per square meter[]
    Main File- True Hunter v3.0
    FOMOD- Select MCM
  10. Critters Ain't Snitches[]
    Main File- Critters Aint Snitches v1.0 SSE v1.0
    Optional File- Critters Aint Snitches v1.0 SSE-SkyTEST RAandP Patch v1.65
  11. Go On Ahead[]
    Main File- Go On Ahead v1.0.0
  12. Nether's Follower Framework[]
    Main File- Nether's Follower Framework - Universal Installer (LE or SSE)
    FOMOD- Select Followers Avoid Traps, Interesting NPCs, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul, RDO Comments, Friendly Fire, Skill Boosts
    Do not add any non vanilla followers like Inigo to this framework, it breaks them if they have a built in custom AI, there is all so a NFF Token that can be crafted from the blacksmith Forge for free to exclude custom followers from the framework, you just craft it and place it in there inventory, this mod has a lot of mcm settings to play with, I did not use them all, the main purpose that I use this mod for is the better stealth ai, the alternative follower inventory storage, and if your follower gets lost you can call them to you from the mcm
  13. Serana Dialogue Edit - Skyrim Special Edition[]
    Main File- SeranaDialogEdit v102
  14. Serana Dialogue Add-On[]
    Main File- Serana Dialogue Add-On SE v2.8.1
    Optional File- SDA Nether's Follower Framework Patch v6.0NFFPatch
    Rules- Place this After Nethers Followers Framework mod
    Optional File- SDA Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Patch v4.0RDOPatch
    Optional File- SDA Serana Dialogue Edit Patch v6.3SDEPatch

Combat and Animation

  1. Nemesis Engine[]
    Download it here- Nemesis[]
    Scroll down and download the file titled- Nemesis.Unlimited.Behavior.Engine.v0.84-beta.rar , take that file and drag it into the drop files box on Vortex at the bottom, then install and enable.
    Now click the Dashboard tab on Vortex, its on the top left above downloads, then click Add Tool, Name, name it Nemesis Engine, then click Target, go to your Skyrim Special Edition folder/ Data/ Nemesis_Engine/ then find Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine.exe and select open, then click Save.

    Now you will see nemesis on the dashboard, click the little play icon on it, and the Nemesis menu will come up, click Update Engine and wait, it will tell you when you are done. Then you select any patches that you would need and then press Launch Nemesis Behavior Engine and wait for the Behavior generation complete message and close Nemesis and then go back to mods and click deploy mods and your done. At this time you do not need to select any thing, just Update Engine, Launch Behavior and close.

    If you end up adding more Nemesis mods in the future, you have to go back and run Nemesis from the dashboard, update the engine, then select the new patch and select launch nemesis behavior engine, just like we did above, you do this every time you add a new mod, or they will not work

    Here is a short youtube video on how to install nemesis through Vortex if watching someone do it is easier then my instructions
    How to Install & Run Nemesis with Vortex

  2. Dynamic Animation Replacer[]
    Main File- DynamicAnimationReplacer v1.1.0 for SkyrimSE
  3. EVG Animation Variance[]
    Main File- EVG Animation Variance v1.0
    FOMOD- Select Full Install
  4. Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim[]
    Main File- Wildcat v700
  5. Ultimate Combat SE[]
    Main File- Ultimate Combat SE v3.5
  6. Ultimate Combat and Creatures Behaviour compatibility for Nemesis[]
    Main File- Ultimate Combat and Creature Behaviour's Nemesis Compatibility v1.12
    FOMOD- Select Ultimate Combat
  7. Stagger Direction Fix - SSE[]
    Main File- Stagger Direction Fix-SSE V2.02a
  8. Realistic Ragdolls and Force[]
    Main File- Realistic Ragdolls and Force SE v 1.92
    FOMOD- Select Realistic and All
  9. Archery Gameplay Overhaul SE[]
    Main File- Archery Gameplay Overhaul v1.3.2
    Optional file- Nemesis Patch v1.3.2
    Rules- Rules place After Ultimate Combat
  10. JContainers SE[]
    Main File- JContainers SE v4.1.13
  11. VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE[]
    Main File- VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE 2.22a
    FOMOD- Select Loose
  12. No Spinning Death Animation[]
    Main File- No Spinning Death Animation MERGED v1.31
  13. Relaxed Sneak Animations[]
    Main File- Relaxed Sneak Animations v1.0
  14. Blocking Animation Pack SSE[]
    Main File- Blocking Animation Pack v1.5--SSE v1.5
  15. Dual Wield Improved Animation SSE[]
    Main file- Dual Wield SSE v1
  16. D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly SSE[]
    Main File- D13 Faster Get Up Stand Up SSE v2.1
    Rules- Place this After Ultimate Combat
  17. Finally First Person Magic Animation for SSE[]
    Main File- First Person Magic Animation for SSE v7.0
  18. RBEs Enhanced 1st Person Camera Bob[]
    Main File- 1 - Standard Version v1.6
  19. Ice skating fixed for real[]
    Main File- EVE - Ice skating fixed for real - No more attack skating movement v1.3
  20. Enemy Magelock - NPC Magic Casting Commitment[]
    Main File- Enemy Magelock v1.0.0
  • From the Vortex dashboard launch Nemesis, select Update Engine, when it's done check box the following and take your time and make sure you don't miss any
  • Archery Gameplay Overhaul
  • MageLock (null)
  • Ice skating fixed for real
  • Maxsu Stagger Direction Fix
  • Retimed Hit Frame
  • Ultimate Combat / TK Dodge
  • Ultimate Combat Creature Compatibility
  • Then select launch Behavior, wait for it to finish, close Nemesis and in Vortex on the mods page, deploy your mods

Add on Quest and Content

  1. OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition[]
    Main File- obis v2.6.1
    Optional File- OBIS SE Patrols Addon
  2. All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently[]
    Main File- All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently - USSEP Version v1.3
  3. Your Choices Matter - A Dark Brotherhood Expansion SSE[]
    Main File- Your Choices Matter - Dark Brotherhood Expansion main file SSE v2.0.6
  4. Interesting NPCs SE (3DNPC)[]
    I have not tested and completed every single npc quest this mod has to offer, I can say it is completely compatible with my mod list and seems to work fine
    Main File- Interesting NPCs SE - BSAs v4.36
    Update File- Interesting NPCs SE - 4.3.6 to 4.4 Hotfix v4.4
    Rules- Place the Hotfix After the Main File
    Optional File- Interesting NPCs SE - Alternative Locations - Flagged ESL v4.1.4.1
    On the plugins page enable the 3dnpc- los ii- tamriel master lights addon.esp from earlier and select sort now at the top
  5. Interesting NPCs (3DNPC) character Zora Fairchild's voice boosted[]
    Main File- Zora_normalizedv2
  6. Interesting NPC's Imperious Patch[]
    Main File- Interesting NPC's Imperious Patch v1.0
    This Patch is not needed, if you plan to use the npc replacers that I use for Interesting Npcs, this patch is in my main conflict patch at the end of the guide with the correct facegen data for the replacers i use
  7. INIGO[]
    Main File- INIGO_V2.4C SE
  8. Immersive College NPCs[]
    Main File- Immersive College NPCs v1.1.02
    FOMOD- Select Standard FaceGens
  9. Obscure's College of Winterhold[]
    Main File- Obscure's College of Winterhold v1.6.1
    FOMOD- Select Recommended Interiors, Immersive College NPCs Intgration, and New Music Only, Enhanced Lights and FX, Lanterns of Skyrim II- Tamriel Master Lights, Map Markers Complete, Audio Overhaul, Legacy of the Dragonborn, Better Dynamic Snow and Interesting NPCs, you don't have to select anything else
    On the plugins page in Vortex disable the ocw_bds_fepatch.esp and ocw_lotd_fepatch.esp, I will remind you to enable it later
  10. Obscure's College of Winterhold Addons[]
    Main File- Magelight Addon v1.1
    Main File- OCW Arcanaeum Flying Books v2.0
  11. Missives[]
    Main File- Missives 2.03 SSE v2.03
  12. Missives - Worldspace Additions[]
    Main File- Missives - Solstheim Patch SE v2.03
  13. Missives - Notes Retexture[]
    Main File- Missives Notes Retexture v1.0
    Rules- Place this After the Missives mod
  14. Missives - The Witcher Board HD[]
    Main File- Missives - The Witcher Board HD v2.0
    FOMOD- Select 2k Textures, Candles+ENB Light, JaySerpa's Retexture
    Rules- Place this After the Missives mod, Missives Solstheim Patch, and Missives Notes Retextured
  15. The Forgotten City[]
    Main File- The Forgotten City v1.8
    After it is installed, launch XeditQuickAutoClean from the Vortex Dashboard and select ForgottenCity.esp and let it clean those 7 ITMs, after its done, close it out, and in Vortex deploy your mods, and select Confirm to use new files
  16. The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SE[]
    Main File- The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal v1.3
  17. The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SSE - HD pack[]
    Main File- The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal SE - HD Texture pack v1.2
  18. Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Alikr Flora Overhaul SE[]
    Main File- Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - Alikr Flora Overhaul v1.6se
  19. The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SE - Addons and Patches[]
    Main File- The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SE - Addons and Patches 1.2
    FOMOD- Select only Unoffical Skyrim Special Edition Patch

Plans to add more
I plan to add these 5 quest mods along with anything else needed for these, once I have a chance to play them with this mod list
Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE[]
Moon and Star[]
Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE[]


The only issue I had out of Vigilant was in the beginning of Act 1 after entering the Temple of Stender, Altano's dialogue would not proceed, it did not respond when i selected the phrase to say to him, there is actually a bug report on the 6th page from March 18, 2021 about this, it is a hit or miss bug, it may or may not happen to you, if it does, to fix it, all you gotta do is back out of the dialogue, make a save, then load that save right then, and it will fix it, this dialogue bug happened a total of 3 times to me in Act 1 all 3 times was with Altano, once in the Temple of Stender, once in the Bannered Mare, and once in Candlehearth Hall, all 3 times making a save, then loading that save fixed it, other then that I had no issues out of this mod, it was a very fun mod and I got a lot of play time out of it, it has a lot of really cool items, weapons, armor, spells, some of the boss fights were kinda hard, so you might wanna level up a bit before starting it, all so bring a follower with you

    Main File- VIGILANT SE v162
    FOMOD- Select BSA and English
    Optional File- VIGILANT - HiRes Pack 01 v1.4.0
    Optional File- VIGILANT - HiRes Pack 02 v1.6.0a
  • VIGILANT Voiced - English Addon[]
    Main File- VIGILANT Voiced - English Addon SE v3.2.2
    Rules- Place this After the Vigilant Se mod
  • Vigilant Armors and Weapons Retexture SE[]
    Main File- Vigilant Armors and Weapons Retexture SE v3.0
    FOMOD- Select which version you like best
    Rules- Place this After Vigilant HiRes Pack 01
  • HD Vigilant Project - Amulet of Kings[]
    Main File- HD Vigilant Project - Amulet of Kings v1
    Rules- Place this After the Vigilant mod
  • HD Vigilant Project - Jyggalag[]
    Main File- HD Vigilant Project - Jyggalag v1
  • HD Vigilant Project - Pelinal[]
    Main File- HD Vigilant Project - Pelinal v1
    Rules- Place this After the Vigilant Armor and Weapon retexture and Vigilant HiRes Pack 01
  • HD Vigilant Project - Umaril[]
    Main File- HD Vigilant Project - Umaril v1
    Rules- Place this After the Vigilant Armor and Weapon retexture and Vigilant HiRes Pack 01
  • VIGILANT - Book Covers[]
    Main File- Vigilant - Book Covers v1.2
  • Vigilant - NPC Overhaul[]
    Main File- Vigilant - Character Overhaul v2.2

Landscape and Flora

  1. Tamrielic Textures SE 1 - Landscapes[]
    Main File- Tamrielic Textures SE 1 Landscapes 2K v1.4.0
    FOMOD- Select Majestic Mountains
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  2. Majestic Mountains[]
    Main File- 1. Majestic Mountains Main File v3.2
    FOMOD- Select Snow Mountains New version ESL, Moss Rocks ESL version, and Select None for Sun Direction
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  3. Skyrim - A Mountainous Experience[]
    Main File- Skyrim - A Mountainous Experience v1.5.6
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  4. Goonz Landscape Addons[]
    This is just a pack I threw together for myself that includes some landscape textures and mountain textures, made for my setup, it probably want look good if you are not using it on top of Tamrielic Landscapes and Majestic Mountains
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  5. Skyrim 3D Rocks[]
    Main File- Skyrim 3D Rocks v1.0.3
  6. Better Dynamic Snow SE[]
    Miscellaneous File- Better Dynamic Snow SE v2.11.0
    FOMOD- Select SMIM and Both Patches for No Snow under roof and mountains
    Rules- Place this Before Enhanced Lights and FX and After Dlizzios Mesh Fixes
    On the Plugins page enable ocw_bds_fepatch.esp from earlier and select Sort Now at the top
  7. No Snow Under the Roof[]
    This is Wizkids fixed version
    Main File- No Snow Under the Roof- WiZkiD Edition
    FOMOD- For Patches select Interesting NPCs and Better Dynamic Snow 2.x
  8. Majestic Mountains-BDS With LOD Fix[]
    Main File- Majestic Mountains-BDS-LOD Fix v1.02
    Rules- Place this After Majestic Mountains
  9. Skyrim 3D Rocks - Better Dynamic Snow - Patch (BDSv2.11 Only)[]
    Main File- Skyrim 3D Rocks - Better Dynamic Snow - Patch v1.1
  10. Better Dirt Cliffs and Alphas[]
    Main File- Better Dirt Cliffs and Alphas (4K) v4.0
    Rules- Place this Before Underground FOMOD and After everything else it asks
  11. Veydosebrom Regions[]
    You may want to go standard quality here, it depends on what your system can handle
    Main File- Veydosebrom Regions 1.1.2
    FOMOD- Select Vortex, High Quality, Dense Landscape, Default ini
    Optional File- Fall Forest - Regional Vegetation Pack
    FOMOD- Select High Quality, Thickets and Scrubs, Large, Saratoga and Chino, and Monarch
  12. Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods[]
    Main File- Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods v4.9
    Optional File- Immersive Citizens v0.4 Patch v1.01
    On the Plugins Page in Vortex select Manage Rules at the top and create this load order rule, after select Add, then Close, then at the top select Sort Now
    landscape fixes for grass mods esp/ Must Load After/ veydosebrom regions.esp
    On the plugins page enable landscape and water fixes- patch- lffgm.esp from earlier and select Sort Now at the top
  13. Landscape Fixes for Grass mods and Alternate Start patch[]
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
  14. Mari's flora[]
    Main File- Mari's flora - High v1.2
    FOMOD- Select what you want, a lot of this is gonna be overwritten with the next mod
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  15. Skyrim 3D Plants[]
    This is an old version of mathy79's Plants, it looks more greeny and natural, it covers all the shrub id's and most of the harvestable plants, all so I put the correct snow textures in it, so if you try and use it with another landscape mod, you will need to replace those and correctly name them
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light and After everything it asks
  16. Rudy HQ - Hay SE[]
    Main File- Rudy HQ - Hay SE v1.4
    FOMOD- Pick what you want, I always go with 2k version03
    Rules- Place After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  17. Mushroom Retextures Revamped[]
    Optional File- 2K Mushroom Textures Revamped 1.6
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim 3D Plants
  18. Mora Tapinella 4k[]
    Optional File- 2K Mora Tapinella
  19. Rally's Hanging Moss[]
    Main File- Rallys Hanging Moss - Desaturated v1.1
    Rules- Place this After Maris Flora and Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  20. 4K Tendril Vines[]
    Optional file- 2K tendril Vines 1.0
  21. HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit SE[]
    Main File- HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit SE - 2K v1.0.1
    Rules- Place this After majestic Mountains
  22. Immersive Fallen Trees SSE[]
    Main File- Immersive Fallen Trees SSE v2.0.2
  23. Immersive Fallen Trees Patch[]
    Main File- Immersive Fallen Trees Patch v1.2
  24. Northern Marsh Bridges[]
    Main File- Northern Marsh Bridges SE v1.3
    On the plugins page enable the los ii - northern marsh bridges patch.esp
  25. Water for ENB[]
    Main File- Water for ENB v1.4.7
    FOMOD- Select 2k, Nordic Blue, 2k, none
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement and Skyrim Particle Patch
    I'm keeping my eye on the Shades of Skyrim option in this FOMOD, it has been getting constant updates and fixes, and when I think its ready, I'll start using it
  26. DANDELION SEEDS by Ramccoid[]
    Main File- DANDELION SEEDS v5 x2048
  27. Tundra Grass Remover[]
    Main file- Tundra Grass Remover 2018 v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Mari's Flora
  28. Less Distracting Blowing Snow Effects for ENB Particle Patch[]
    Main File- Less Distracting Blowing Snow Effects 1.0 v1.0
    Rules- Place this After the Skyrim Particle Patch for Enb
  29. More Dirt-Snow-Ash on the Roads[]
    Optional File- More Ash on the Road - Only
    Optional File- More Snow on the Road - Only

City Retextures and Locations

  1. Helgen UV Tweaks[]
    Main File- No Orange Xmas Lights Please v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  2. WiZkiD Parallax Farmhouses[]
    Main file- WiZkiD Parallax Farmhouses 2K Parallax v1.4
    FOMOD- Dont select anything
    Rules- Place this Before Embers HD Wizkid and After everything else
  3. Farmhouse Chimneys SE[]
    Main File- Farmhouse Chimneys SE v4.0.5
    FOMOD- Dont select anything
  4. SD's Farmhouse Fences SE[]
    Main File- 2k Farmhouse Fences SE Version 2 v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement Mod
    Optional File- 2k Slightly Desaturated Version 2 Deffuse v1.0
    Rules- Place this After the Main File
  5. Illustrious Whiterun SE[]
    Optional File- Illustrious Whiterun 2K v1.2
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
    Update File- Illustrious Whiterun 2K Update v1.4
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
    Optional File- Illustrious Whiterun Banners esl tagged esp v1.0
  6. WiZkiD Riften and Ratway[]
    Optional File- WiZkiD Riften and Ratway 2k Parallax v1.2
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  7. Skyland - Solitude[]
    Main File- Skyland - Solitude v1.6
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  8. Extravagant Interiors - Solitude[]
    Optional File- Blue Palace only version - by Titansbane v1
  9. Extravagant Interiors - Solitude 4K[]
    Main File-Extravagant Interiors 4K - Solitude Blue Palace v1.1
    Rules- Place this After Extravagant Interiors and Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  10. Northfire's Windhelm[]
    Main File- Northfires Windhelm v1
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  11. Windhelm Lighthouse[]
    Main File- Windhelm Lighthouse V1.3
  12. Icy Windhelm[]
    Main File- Icy Windhelm v1.5
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  13. College of Winterhold HD SE[]
    Main File- Winterhold College 2K v1.1
    FOMOD- Select College textures, pick what statue you want, I went with Orbs and Enblight, then select Doors and Banner Assets
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks, except Enb Light
  14. Frankly HD Markarth - The White City Redux[]
    Main File- Frankly HD Markarth - The White City Redux _2K_1.1
    FOMOD- Select Exterior and Interiors
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  15. Skyland - High Hrothgar[]
    Main File- Skyland - High Hrothgar v1.0
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  16. Sovngarde HD[]
    Main File- Sovngarde HD 2K v3.1
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  17. Spice of Life - Orc Strongholds SE[]
    Main File- Spice of Life - Orc Longhouses v1.2
    FOMOD- Select 2k, Lods 256
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement Mod
  18. WiZkiD Pavo's House[]
    Main File- WiZkiD Pavo's House v1.2
  19. WiZkiD Pinewatch[]
    Main File- v1.1
    Rules- Place this After WiZkiD Pavo's House

Other City Retexture Options


  1. Ruins Clutter Improved[]
    Main File- Ruins_Clutter_Improved SE v3.1
    Rules- Place this Before Riften, Enb Light and CleverCharffs Ash Pile, then After anything else it asks
  2. Ruins Clutter Improved - Fixes[]
    Main File- Ruins Clutter Improved - Fixes 1.1
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  3. WiZkiD Parallax Imperial Forts[]
    Optional File- WiZkiD Parallax Imperial Forts (2k) v1.0
    FOMOD- Select No Snow Under the Roof patch
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  4. Rudy HQ - Nordic Ruins SE[]
    Main File- Rudy HQ - Nordic Ruins SE version v1.0
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks, except Enb Light
    Optional Files- Download all 5 files
    Rules- Place them all After anything it asks, makesure and place the 4k textures After the Chests addon
  5. Venerable Nordic Temples (2K - 4K)[]
    Main File- Venerable Nordic Temples - Standard v0.2
    Rules- Place After everything it asks
  6. Ruins Puzzle Pillar Retexture[]
    Main File- Ruins Puzzle Pillar Retexture 2k v1.0
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  7. Ancient Pottery[]
    Main File- Ancient Pottery v1.1
    Rules- Place this Before Rudys stuff, then After anything else
  8. Ruins Tools Retexture[]
    Main File- Ruins Tools Retexture v1.0
  9. Ruined and Burned Books Retexture[]
    Main File- Ruined and Burned Books Retexture v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Cleaned Textures
  10. Ruins Canopic Jars[]
    Main File- Ruins Canopic Jars v1.0
  11. ElSopa - HD Better Bloody Rags SE[]
    Main File- ElSopa - ElSopa - HD Better Bloody Rags 2k
  12. OIL by Ramccoid[]
    Main File- OIL v2 x2048 v2
    Optional File- OIL v2 x2048 Oily Water v2
    Rules- Place Oily Water After Oil
  13. Oil Lamp Trap Retexture[]
    Optional File- 2K Oil Lamp Trap
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  14. Spider Webs and Particles for ENB[]
    Main File- Spider Webs and Particles for ENB v1.0
    Rules- Place this Before Thunderbolt HD and then After the Skyrim Particle Patch
  15. Spider Egg and Sacs Retexture[]
    Optional File- 2K Spider Egg and Sacs v1.0
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  16. Dwemer Pipework Reworked[]
    Main File- Dwemer Pipework Reworked 4 v4
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
    Optional File- Dwemer Pipework Reworked - optional ENB Lights v4-B
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  17. Ancient Dwemer Metal[]
    This is an Oldrim Mod I ported
    Main File- Ancient Dwemer Metal 4k
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light and After everything it asks
  18. Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches for SMIM Dawnguard Dragonborn[]
    Main File- Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - FINAL SE VERSION
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
    Update Files- Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - FINAL VERSION Update v4
    Rules- Place After everything it asks
    Optional Files- Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - Dwemer Pipework Reworked patch v4 4K
    Rules- Place After everything it asks
  19. High Poly Blackreach Mushrooms[]
    Main File- High Poly Blackreach Mushrooms v1.1
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  20. Better Blackreach Clutter[]
    Main File- Download all 4 files
    Rules- Place all files After anything that it asks
  21. Blackreach Tentacle Mesh Fix[]
    Main File- Blackreach Tentacle Mesh Fix v0.1
  22. HD Reworked Falmer Architecture 4K[]
    Main File- HD Reworked Falmer Architecture 4K v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  23. MD's Photoreal Mines[]
    Main File- MD's Mines - 2K
    Rules- Place all files After anything that it asks
  24. High Fantasy Caves[]
    Main File- High Fantasy Caves - Mossy v1.0
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  25. Cave Brazier[]
    Main File- Cave Brazier v1.0.0
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement and Ruins Clutter
  26. CC's Enhanced Ore Veins SSE Edition[]
    Main File- Enhanced Ore Veins - 2K - 8.0
    FOMOD- Pick what you want, then select Keep Old ones and No New ingots, select nothing for Patches, Esl
    Update File- Enhanced Ore Veins - 8.0.1 - Patch v8.0.1
  27. DROPS By Ramccoid[]
    Main File- DROPS v1 x2048
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Particle Patch
  28. SavrenX Gore[]
    Main File- SavrenX Gore v1.00
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement
  29. Creepy Chaurus Eggs SE[]
    Main File- Creepy Chaurus Eggs SE v1.0
  30. Improved Dwemer Glass[]
    Main File- Improved Dwemer Glass v1.1
    Optional File- Unofficial Material Fix Patch v1.0
    Rules- Place the main file After Static Mesh improvement and Unofficial Material Fix, then place the Patch After the main file and Unofficial Material Fix

DLC Locations

  1. Fort Dawnguard HD - SE[]
    Main File- Fort Dawnguard HD 2K v1.0
    FOMOD- Select Main Files, Doors ESPFE, and Banner ESPFE
    Optional File- Fort Dawnguard Doors collision material fix v1.0
    Rules- Place the main file After Noble Skyrim and Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, then Place the Optional File After the Main File
  2. Castle Volkihar HD - SE[]
    Main File- Castle Volkihar HD - SE 2K v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Noble Skyrim, Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, and Unofficial Material Fix
  3. Soul Cairn HD[]
    Main File- Soul Cairn 2K v5.0
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  4. Arri's Snow Elf Ruins Retexture Special Edition[]
    Main File- SSE 2K Textures v1.1
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  5. Rally's Solstheim AIO[]
    Main File- Rally's Solstheim AIO v1.1
    FOMOD- Select 2k and LODs 256 on everything
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  6. CleverCharff's Apocrypha 4K 2K[]
    Main File- CleverCharff's Apocrypha 2K v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Noble Skyrim and Skyrim realistic Overhaul
  7. High Poly Soul Husks[]
    Optional File- High Poly Soul Husks for cunny1975's textures v0.2.1
  8. Soul Husk Retexture[]
    Optional File- 2K Soul Husk for wSkeever High Poly Soul Husk v1.1
  9. ElSopa HD - Realistic Dark Elf Urns SE[]
    Main File- HD Dark Elf Urns 2k v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  10. Remiros' Dragonborn Alcohol HD[]
    Main File- Remiros' Dragonborn Alcohol HD 2k v1.0
  11. Solstheim Objects SMIMed []
    Main File- Solstheim Objects SMIMed - High Poly Dark Elf Furniture v0.1.1
  12. Dragonborn Ingredients[]
    Optional File- 2K Version v1.0
  13. Rally's Lava[]
    Main File- Rally's Lava 4K v1.1
  14. Better Dynamic Ash SE[]
    Main File- Better Dynamic Ash SE v2.1.1

Retextures 1

  1. Organic Riften Leaves[]
    Main File- Organic Riften Leaves 2k v1.0.2
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim realistic Overhaul
  2. 4K HQ Puddles[]
    Main File- 4K Puddle No Ripples
  3. Stockades of Skyrim 3D[]
    Main File- Stockades of Skyrim 3D v0.5
  4. 4K Stockade[]
    Optional File- 2K SMIM Whiterun Stockade v1.0 and 2K Stockade v1.0
    Rules- Place Whiterun stockade After Static Mesh improvement, place Stockade After anything it asks
  5. Better Skyrim Statues[]
    Main Files- BSS All In One v1.3
    Rules- Place this Before Winterhold College and Arris Snow Elf Ruins, then After anything else it asks
  6. RUSTIC WINDOWS - Special Edition[]
    Main File- RUSTIC WINDOWS - Special Edition - 2K v2.0
    Rules- Place this Before Whiterun, Winterhold, and Windhelm, then After anything else it asks
  7. Glorious Doors of Skyrim[]
    Main File- Glorious Doors of Skyrim SE v1.03
    Optional File- Glorious Doors of Skyrim SE - Update 1.04
    FOMOD- Pick 2k, Rotation Fix, all the rest pick 2k
    Rules- Place the Main File Before Riften, then After anything it asks, then Place the Update File After the Main File
  8. WiZkiD Signs[]
    Main File- WiZkiD Signs v2.3
    FOMOD- Select WiZkiD Signs for Lanterns of Skyrim II users, select No Snow Under the Roof patch and Interesting NPC patch
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement
  9. Skyland HD Road Signs[]
    Main File- Skyland HD Road Signs v1.0
    Optional File- Skyland HD Road Signs - Point the Way v1.0
    Rules- Place the main file After Noble Skyrim
  10. Skyrim 3D Furniture[]
    Main File- Skyrim 3D Furniture v1.9.0
    Optional File- Skyrim 3D Furniture SMIM patch v1.3.0
    Rules- Place the main file Before ♥♥♥♥ of Life Orc Longhouse and After anything it asks, then place the smim patch After anything it asks
  11. PELTAPALOOZA - Special Edition[]
    Main File- PELTAPALOOZA Special Edition - FULL v1.0
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  12. RUGNAROK - Special Edition[]
    Main File- RUGNAROK - Special Edition - 2K v1.1
    Rules- Place this Before Windhelm, then After anything it asks
  13. Ennead Banners[]
    Main File- Ennead - Banners 2K v3
    Rules- Place this Before Whiterun, Windhelm, Winterhold, Fort Dawnguard, and Rallys Solstheim then After anything else it asks
  14. Realistic HD Food Remastered[]
    Main File- Realistic HD Food Remastered v1.3
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement and Riften
  15. Misc Retexture Project[]
    Main File- Misc Retexture Project v2.6
    Rules- Place this Before Rallys Solstheim, Rallys Moss, Maris's Flora, spider egg and sacs, Elsopa HD Better Bloody Rags, Dragonborn Ingredients and then After anything else it asks
  16. Skyrim 3D Cooking[]
    Main File- Skyrim 3D Cooking v1.3.0
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light, then After everything else it asks
  17. Food and Ingrediants[]
    This is a pack I made for myself, I forgot were it all comes from, some of it is from High Poly Project
    Download, drag and drop the file into the Drop Files Box at the bottom of Vortex
    Rules- Place this after everything it asks
  18. Skyrim 3D Blacksmith[]
    Main File- Skyrim 3D Blacksmith v1.01
    Rules- Place this Before Embers HD Wizkid and Enb Light, then After anything else it asks
  19. Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous SE[]
    Main File- Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous SE v1.02
    FOMOD- Select Rudy HQ Silverware Rudy102 Version for Smoking Torches and Candles mod, Rudy HQ Imperial Candles for smoking Torches and Candles mod, Pick whatever type of pottery you want for smoking Torches and Candles mod 2k, I like the Brown, select 2k Dugeon pottery, then select all 3 of the Additions
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light and Skyrim 3D Furniture, then After anything else it asks
  20. Basic Dining Set Replacer[]
    Main File- Basic Dining Set Replacer 2k v1.0
    Rules- Place this Before Rudy Misc, then After anything else it asks
  21. Skyrim 3D Misc[]
    Download all the files I listed with a Manual Download, then create a new folder and name it Skyrim 3d Misc, this works best to open up 2 File Explorer windows and have them side, by side, extract each download and go inside its folder and drag its data folder into your new Skyrim 3d Misc folder, after you do them all, repack that data folder in your work folder, name it Skyrim 3D Misc and drop it into the Drop Files Box at the bottom of Vortex
    Main Files- Skyrim 3D Misc - Barrels, Skyrim 3D Misc - Buckets v2, Skyrim 3D Misc - Butterchurn, Skyrim 3D Misc - Giant Mortar and Pestle, Skyrim 3D Misc - Mammoth Cheese, Skyrim 3D Misc - Markarth Cage, Skyrim 3D Misc - Tanning Rack, Skyrim 3D Misc - Traps
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement
  22. HD Reworked Baskets[]
    Main File- HD Reworked Baskets v1.0
    FOMOD- Select Skyrim Special Edition
  23. Medieval Spirits[]
    Main File- Medieval Spirits v1.0.2
    Rules- Place this After Realistic HD Food
  24. XxAwesome_PotionsxX SSE[]
    Main Files- XxA_PxX SSE v2.12
  25. Small DLC and Misc Patch for XxAwesome_PotionsxX SSE[]
    Main File- Potions Patch V1.4
  26. JS Shrines of the Divines SE[]
    Main File- JS Shrines of the Divines SE - 2K v1.2
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  27. Sepolcri - A complete Burial Sites overhaul[]
    Main File- Sepolcri - A Complete Burial Sites Overhaul v1.2
    Rules- Place this Before Riften
    Optional File- Sepolcri - DynDOLOD patch v1.0
  28. JS Coin Sacks[]
    This is just the coin sack from JS Purses and Septims mod
    Download, drag and drop the file into the Drop Files Box at the bottom of Vortex
  29. Ancient Imperial Septims - Classic Gold[]
    Main File- Ancient Imperial Septims - Classic Gold v1.2

Retextures 2

  1. Windows 2k[]
    This pack is windows for Solitude, Whiterun, and Riften that was pulled out of other mods
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  2. WiZkiD Carriages[]
    Optional File- WiZkiD Carriages 2k v1.1
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  3. 4K Carts[]
    Optional File- 2K Carts Clean v1.0
    Rules- Place this Before Enhanced Lights and FX, then After Noble Skyrim
  4. WiZkiD - Hall of the Dead Stained Glass Windows[]
    Main File- WiZkiD - Hall of the Dead Stained Glass Windows v1.5
    Rules- Place this After ELFX
  5. Simple Sacks SE[]
    Main File- Simple Sacks SE v1.2
    FOMOD- Select 2k and whatever color you want
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  6. Skyland - Ships and Shacks[]
    Main File- Skyland - Ships and Shacks v1.0
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  7. Astral Aspect[]
    Main File- Astral Aspect - 2K - 2.0
  8. Skyland Imperial and Nordic Tents[]
    Main File- Skyland Imperial and Nordic Tents v1.2
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul and Noble Skyrim
  9. JS Instruments of Skyrim SE[]
    Main File- JS Instruments of Skyrim SE - 2k v1.1
  10. Realistic HD Ingots Remastered[]
    Main File- Realistic HD Ingots Remastered
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  11. Realistic HD Ores Remastered[]
    Main File- Realistic HD Ores Remastered v1.0
  12. Gemstones Replacers HD SE[]
    Main File- Gemstones Replacers HD SE Main Version v1.2
    FOMOD- Select Vanilla Replacers Only
  13. WiZkiD Alchemy Table[]
    Main File- WiZkiD Alchemy Table v1.3
  14. 4K Retextured Mage Tables[]
    Optional Files- 2K Enchanting Workbenches v1.2
    Rules- Place After anything it asks
  15. Enchanting Stations Candles[]
    Main File- Enchanting Stations Candles 2.0
    FOMOD-Select 1.2
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  16. Enchanting Stations Candles STAC Patch[]
    Main File- Enchanting Table Candles 1.2 STAC Patch
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  17. RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Special Edition[]
    Main File- RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Special Edition - FOMOD - English Only v1.0
    FOMOD- Select 2k, Sorted+ESL
    Rules- Place this After Ruins Clutter
  18. Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soul Gems[]
    Optional File- Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Patch for Rustic Soulgems v1.0a
    Rules- Place this After Rustic Soulgems
  19. Some Braziers[]
    Main File- Qwafee Braziers (Whiterun) v1.0.0.0
    Main File- Qwafee Braziers (Windhelm) v1.0.0.0
  20. Fish Rack[]
    Main File- Fish Rack 2K v2.0.0
    Rules- Place this Before Riften
  21. Deer Skull and Antlers Retexture[]
    Optional File- 2K Deer Skull and Antlers v1.2
    Optional File- 2K Mounted Antlers v1.1
    Rules- Place this After Cleaned Textures
  22. WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter and Bones[]
    Main File- WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter ad Bones v1.1
    FOMOD- Select 2k and High Poly Project patch
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  23. Frankly HD Dragon Bones[]
    Main File- Frankly HD Dragonbones 4k-2k
    Rules- Place this After Misc Retexture project
  24. ElSopa - Papers HD SE[]
    Main File- ElSopa - Paper HD v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Cleaned textures
  25. Retexture for The Scroll SE[]
    Main File- Retexture for The Scroll FOMOD by -ren- SE
    FOMOD- Select what you want, I went with Mixed
  26. Strongbox Replacer[]
    Main File- Strongbox Replacer SE 2K v1.1
    Optional File- Legacy of the Dragonborn Jewelbox Patch SE v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Mics Retexture Project
  27. 4K Satchel[]
    Optional File- 2K Satchel
    Main File- RUSTIC MAPS - 2K v2.0
    Rules- Place this After Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  29. 4K Hagraven House[]
    Main file- 4K Hagraven House
    Optional File- 2K Diffuse and Normal Map v1.0
    Rules- Place the Main File After anything it asks, then place the Optional File After anything it asks
  30. Ingredients[]
    Main File- Ingredients v6.0
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light and WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter and Bones, then After anything else it asks
  31. Hearthfire Crafting Retextures[]
    Main File- Hearthfire Crafting Retextures v1.1
    Optional File- Optional Lock Retexture v1.0
    Rules- Place the Lock retexture After Static Mesh Improvement
  32. Soulgem Stand Redone[]
    Optional File- Soulgem Stand Redone - Rusty Textures - 2K v1.1
    Rules- Place this After Ruins Clutter
  33. Rally's Quill and Inkwell[]
    Main File- Rallys Quill and Inkwell v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement

Retextures 3

  1. JS Dragon Claws SE[]
    Main File- 2k Textures v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Ruins Clutter
  2. JS Dragon Claws - Patches[]
    Main file- JS Dragon Claws - Amethyst Patch v2.1
    Main File- JS Dragon Claws - LOTD Patch v1.0
    Rules- Place Amethyst Patch After Ruins Clutter
  3. JS Barenziah SE[]
    Main File- JS Barenziah SE - 2K Textures v1.3
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light
  4. Ray's UHD Folded Rag SE[]
    Main File- Ray's UHD Folded Rag 2k SE v1.1
  5. Rally's Honey Pot[]
    Main File- Rallys Honey Pot HQ
  6. Rally's Farming Tools[]
    Main File- Rallys Farming Tools v1.0
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  7. Rally's Hooks and Saws[]
    Main File- Rallys Hooks and Saws - ENV v1.1
    FOMOD- Select Default
  8. Rally's Werewolf Totems[]
    Mian File- Rallys Werewolf Totems HQ 4K-2K v1.0
  9. Wolfskull Altar Redone[]
    Main File- 2K Version v1.0
  10. RUSTIC AZURA'S STAR - Special Edition[]
    Main File- RUSTIC AZURA'S STAR - SSE - 2K v1.0
  11. RUSTIC ELDERSCROLL - Special Edition[]
    Main File- RUSTIC ELDERSCROLL - Special Edition - 4K v1.0
    Optional File- ELDERSCROLL SSE - FX - 2K
  12. Iconic's Remastered Paragon Gems[]
    Main File- Remastered Paragon Gems v1.4
    FOMOD- Select 2k and what metal you want
  13. ElSopa - HD Keys Redone SE[]
    Main File- ElSopa - HD Keys Redone 2k v1.0
  14. ElSopa HD - Meridias Beacon SE[]
    Main File- 2K HD Meridias Beacon v1.0
  15. Iconic's Azura's Star Dungeon Retexture[]
    Main File- Azura's Star Dungeon Retexture
    FOMOD- Select Option 3 and Lighting Tweak
  16. Iconic's Falmer Eye Gem Retexture (4K-2K)[]
    Main File- Falmer Eye Gem 2K v1.0
  17. Iconic's Weathered Dragonstone Retexture[]
    Main File- Weathered Dragonstone 2K v1.0
  18. HD Saw dust[]
    Main File- Saw Dust 1.0
  19. Skeever Tail 4K (Hairless)[]
    Optional File- Skeever Tail 2k Dark Gray Version v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Misc Retexture Project
  20. Falmer Ear and Hagraven Claw[]
    Main File- Falmer Ear 1K v1.0
    Download this with a Manual Download, drag and drop the file into the Drop Files box at the bottom of Vortex and install
  21. 4K Torture Rack[]
    Main File- 2K Torture Rack v1.4
    Optional File- 2K Dirty and Bloody v1.4
    Rules- Place the main file After Static Mesh Improvement and Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, place Dirty and Bloody After the main file
  22. Dark Brotherhood Tenets[]
    Main File- 2K Dark Brotherhood tenants v1.0
  23. Much Better Night Mother[]
    Main File- SavrenX Night Mother v1.00
  24. Nocturnal's Portal HD[]
    Optional File- Nocturnal's Pool HD 2K v1.0
  25. Human Heart Retexture[]
    Optional File- 2K Human Heart v1.1
  26. Retextured Pulsing Daedra Heart[]
    Optional File- 2K Pulsing Daedra Heart
    Rule- Place this After Skyrim Particle Patch
  27. Dragon Bones and Scales[]
    Optional File- 2K Version v1.1
    Rules- Place this After Misc Retexture Project and Frankly Dragon Bones
  28. 2K Dog Meat[]
    Main File- 2K Dog Meat v1.2
  29. Potema Ruins Door[]
    Main File- Potema Ruins Door v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Underground
  30. 4K Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller[]
    Optional File- 2K Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller
  31. Pearls - 4K[]
    Main File- Pearls - 4K v1.0
  32. Clothing Iron - 4K[]
    Main File- Clothing Iron - 2K v1.1
    Rules- Place this After Ruins Clutter and Misc Retexture Project
  33. HD Executioners Block SE[]
    Main File- HD Executioners Block SE v1.1
  34. Northfire's Skidmarks SE[]
    Main- Northfire's Skidmarks SE 2.0 2K v2.0
  35. 4K Nightingale Stone and Clutter[]
    Optional File- 2K Nightingale Stone and Clutter v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Ennead Banners and Skyrim Realistic Overhaul
  36. Extraordinary Eggs SE[]
    Main File- Extraordinary Eggs SE v1.1
    Main File- RUSTIC RELIEFS v1.0
    Rules- Place this Before Astral Aspect, Northfires Windhelm, Rudys Nordic, Venerable Nordic, and then After everything else
  38. ElSopa - HD Giant Mortars Redone SE[]
    Main File- ElSopa - HD Giant Mortars Redone 2k v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement and Skyrim 3D Misc

If for some reason you skipped Legacy of the Dragonborn then you will need these to retexture books, if you use Legacy of the Dragonborn like me, then these mods are included with it, there is a patch for these on the FOMOD of Obscure's College of Winterhold, so you will need to reinstall that and make sure it is ticked
Book Covers Skyrim[]
Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library[]
Book Covers Skyrim - USSEP Update[]

Creatures 1

  1. Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack SSE[]
    Main File- Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack SSE v1.2
    FOMOD- Select Bellyaches Choices
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  2. SavrenX Solstheim Creatures[]
    Main File- SavrenX Solstheim Creatures v1.00
    Main File- SavrenX Spider Poison v1.01
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  3. Ashes and Flames- Spawn and Guardian Retex SE[]
    Main File- Ash Guardian Retexture v1.0
    Main File- Ash Spawn Retexture v1.0
  4. RUSTIC DRAGONS - Special Edition[]
    Main File- RUSTIC DRAGONS SE v2.0
    Rules- Place this After Cleaned Textures
  5. Serpentine Dragon Retexture[]
    Main File- 4K Serpentine Dragon 1.3
  6. Deiform Alduin[]
    Optional File- Deiform Alduin 4K v1.1
    Main File- Deiform Alduin Eye textures 2K v1.1
    Rules- Place both After Rustic Dragons
  7. Splendor - Dragon Variants SE[]
    Main File- Splendor - Dragon Variants v1.0.1
  8. Dragon Animation Replace in Special Edition[]
    Main File- DragonAnimationReplace_inSE_1_01 v1.01
    Optional File- DARinSE_1_01_StandingBreathO
  9. HD Reworked Horses[]
    Main File- HD Reworked Horses v1.0
    Place this After Bellyaches
  10. Light Horses of Skyrim (Realistic body and fur)[]
    Main File- FOMOD_allows to choose between fur colors from both packes v2.0
    FOMOD- Select which ones you want, then select ESL-Flagged ESP
    Rules- Place this After HD Reworked Horses
  11. DSL Demonic Shadowmere[]
    Main File- Select which main file corresponds with how you set shadowmere up in the last mod, feathering or no feathering v1.2
  12. Horse Shoulder Harness Retexture[]
    Optional File- 2K Horse Shoulder Harness v1.1
    Rules- Place this After static Mesh improvement and HD Reworked Horses
  13. Yee Haaaa Horse Saddle Retexture[]
    Optional file- 2K Horse Saddle v1.3
    Optional File- Light Horses Of Skyrim Patch v1.3
    Rules- Place the main file After Hd Reworked Horses, then place the Patch After Light horses of Skyrim
  14. Imperial Saddle Retexture[]
    Optional File- 2K Imperial Saddle v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Hd Reworked Horses
  15. Simple Horse SE[]
    Optional File- Simple Horse Sprint SE v1.21
  16. High Fantasy Deer and Elk[]
    Main File- High Fantasy Deer and Elk v1.0
    FOMOD- Pick what color, 2k
    Rules- Place this After Bellyaches
  17. GOAT HD by Pfuscher[]
    Main File- HD Goat by Pfuscher v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Bellyaches
  18. Rally's Shaggy Cows of Skyrim[]
    Main File- Rallys Shaggycows of Skyrim v1.2
    FOMOD- Select Standalone, 2k-2k, then select SkyTest Patch 2k
    Rules- Place this After Bellyaches and Misc
  19. Bears of the North[]
    Main File- Bears of the North v1.1
  20. Bears of the North patches[]
    Main File- SkyTest - Bears of the North patch v1.1.1
  21. Horker by Pfuscher[]
    Main File- Horker v2.0
    Rules- Place this After Bellyaches
  22. Superior Mudcrab[]
    Main File- Mudcrab 4K FOMOD Installer
    FOMOD- select 2k Normal maps
    Rules- Place this After Bellyaches and Misc Retexture Project
  23. HD Skeever[]
    Main File- HD Skeevers v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Bellyaches
  24. High poly HD Rabbit by Pfuscher[]
    Main File- HD Rabbit by Pfuscher v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh improvement and Bellyaches
  25. Photoreal Foxes[]
    Main File- Fabulous Foxes v3.0
    Rules- Place this After Bellyaches
  26. Creatures Pack[]
    This is a pack I threw together for myself, it includes Wolves, Dogs, Chaurus, Chickens, and Rudys Spiders
    drag and drop the file into the Drop Files box at the bottom of Vortex
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  27. ElSopa HD - Strider And Netches SE[]
    Main File- 2K ElSopa HD Strider And Netches v1.0
    Rules- Place this After SavrenX
  28. ElSopa HD - Bristleback SE[]
    Main File- 2K ElSopa HD - Bristleback v1.0
  29. Vampire Lord Retexture[]
    Main File- Vampire Lord Retextured (Demonic) v1.0
  30. Apex Werewolf Replacer[]
    Main File- Pick which main file you want v1
  31. HAGRAVEN[]
    Main File- Hagraven.4k v1.0
    Rules- Place After Static Mesh Improvement
  32. GIANT[]
    Main File- Giant.4k v1.0
  33. TROLL[]
    Main File- Troll.4k v1.0
  34. MAMMOTH[]
    Main File- Mammoth.4k v1.1
    Rules- Place this After bellyaches
  35. SABRECAT[]
    Main File- Sabrecat.4k v1.0
    FOMOD- Select both options
    Rules- Place this After bellyaches and misc project
  36. SKELETON[]
    Main File- Skeleton.and.Human.Bones.4k v1.2
    FOMOD- Select skin, clutter, and a few sounds
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  37. DRAUGR[]
    Main File- Draugr.4k v1.1
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
    Main File- Dragon.Priest.4k v1.2
    FOMOD- Select Full (Highly suggested)
    Rules- Place this After Cleaned textures
  39. FALMER[]
    Main File- Falmer.4k v1.1
    Main File- Wispmother.4x2k v1.0
    FOMOD- Select Full version Recommended
    Rules- Place this After Cleaned textures

Addon Creatures

If you use this first Uninstall Skytest Integration Project - SkyTEST Vanilla and DLC Creature Extension and Goonz HH and Skytest Patch

  • FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script - FISS[]
    Main File- FileAccess Interface for Skyrim SE Scripts - FISSES v1.3.7
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition[]
    Main File- 1) Skyrim Immersive Creatures v7.0.2 (includes 1K Textures) v7.02
    Optional File- 2a) 2K Texture Pack v7.02
    Rules- Place the Texture Pack After Realistic HD Food Remastered
    Update File- Fix for Ogre Club v7.02
    Rules- Place the Fix After the Texture Pack
  • SIC SE - Add-Ons and Patches[]
    Main File- ENB Particle Light v7
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
    Main File- Immersive Sound Integration
    Main File- SkyTest Integration
  • Goonz HH and Skytest Patch for SIC[]
    This is a patch for Goonz Creature Nifs and Skytest to be used with Skyrim Immersive Creatures, thats why I had you uninstall the other one, if you are using Skyrim Immersive Creatures, then you need this one
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install

NPC Replacers 1

  1. RaceMenu[]
    Main File- RaceMenu Special Edition v0-4-16
  2. Expressive Facegen Morphs SE[]
    Main File- Expressive Facegen Morphs SE
    Rules- Place this After Dlizzios Mesh Fixes
  3. Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition[]
    Main File- Expressive Facial Animation - Female Edition v1.7
  4. Expressive Facial Animation -Male Edition[]
    Main File- Expressive Facial Animation - Male Edition v1.21
  5. High Poly Head[]
    Main file- Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box at the bottom off Vortex
    FOMOD- select special edition, expressive face gen morphs, checkbox both Facial Animations, Checkbox high poly hair and bsa only
  6. High Poly Vanilla Hair[]
    Main File- High Poly Vanilla Hair v3.0f
    Rules- Place this After High Poly Head
  7. KS Hairdos SSE[]
    Main File- KS Hairdos SSE v1.8
  8. KS Hairdos 1.7 Salt and Wind[]
    Main File- KS Hairdos 1.7 - Salt and Wind v1.1
    Rules- Place this After KS Hairdos
    Optional File- KS Hairdos 1.7 - Salt and Wind hotfix 1.1
    Rules- Place this After KS Hairdos and the main file
    Download the next 2 files, but dont install yet
    Miscellaneous file- Cuyima Interesting NPCs - Salt and Wind v1.0
    Miscellaneous file- Legacy of the Dragonborn NPC Overhaul - Salt and Wind v1.0
  9. KS Hairdos 1.8 Salt and Wind[]
    Main File- KS Hairdos 1-8 Salt and Wind 1-1
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  10. Vanilla hair - Salt and Wind[]
    Main File- Vanilla hair - Salt and Wind v1.0
  11. Nordic Faces - Immersive Characters Overhaul[]
    Main File- Nordic Faces - Complete Version v2.8
    Rules- Place this Before Vanilla hair Salt and Wind, then After Bellyaches
  12. High Poly Expressive NPCs[]
    Main File- High Poly Expressive NPCs - Nordic Faces v1.1a
    Rules- Place this After Nordic Faces
    Optional File- HPENPC - Interesting NPCs v1.1a
  13. Cuyima Interesting NPCs SE[]
    Main File- Cuyima Interesting NPCs SE - Custom Hair v1.1.1
    Rules- Place this After HPENPC- Interesting NPCs
    Install Cuyima Interesting NPCs - Salt and Wind and for the Rules Place it After the main file
  14. Interesting NPCs Visual Overhaul[]
    Main File- Interesting NPCs Visual Overhaul v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Cuyima and HPENPC- Interesting NPCs
    On the Plugins page in Vortex, select Manage Rules at the top and create this load order rule, then select Add, Close, then at the top select Sort Now
    3dnpc visual overhaul.esp / Must Load After/ cuyima 3dnpc- redone.esp
  15. High Poly NPC Overhaul - Immersive College NPCs[]
    Main File- High Poly NPC Overhaul - Immersive College NPCs v1.0
  16. High Poly NPC Overhaul - Obscure's College of Winterhold[]
    Main File- High Poly NPC Overhaul - Obscure's College of Winterhold v1.0
  17. Legacy of the Dragonborn - NPC Overhaul by 1N[]
    Main File- Legacy of the Dragonborn - NPC Overhaul v1.22
    FOMOD- Pick what version you want, I went with 2
    Install Legacy of the Dragonborn NPC Overhaul - Salt and Wind and for the Rules Place it After the main file
  18. Northbourne NPCs of Whiterun Hold[]
    Main File- Northbourne NPCs of Whiterun Hold - Full Version v2.2
    Rules- Place this Before both Salt and Winds and After everything else
  19. Northbourne NPCs of Falkreath Hold[]
    Main File- Northbourne NPCs of Falkreath Hold - Full Version v1.3
    Rules- Place this Before both Salt and Winds and After everything else
  20. Northbourne NPCs of the Rift[]
    Main File- Northbourne NPCs of The Rift - Full Version v1.3
    Rules- Place this Before both Salt and Winds and After everything else
  21. Northbourne NPCs of Winterhold[]
    Main File- Northbourne NPCs of Winterhold Full Version v1.1
    Rules- Place this Before salt and wind and After everything else
  22. Northbourne NPCs of Haafingar[]
    Main File- Northbourne NPCs of Haafingar v1.0
    Rules- Place this Before both Salt and Winds and After everything else
  23. Serana Re-Imagined SE[]
    Main File- Serana Re-Imagined SE
    FOMOD- Pick what version you want for unp
    Rules- Place this After High Poly Expressive and Nordic Faces
  24. Serana's Invisible Hood - no scripts and no NPC change[]
    Main File- Serana's Invisible Hood v1.0.1
  25. Tempered Skins for Males[]
    Main File- Tempered Skins for Males Dressed Version or Nude Version, but no SOS files v2.05
    FOMOD- Set this up however you want it, I do not use the tintmasks at the end of the menu
    Rules- Place this After Nordic Faces and Misc Retexture project
  26. UNP Female Body Renewal[]
    Main File- UNP Female Body Renewal 4.6
    FOMOD- Pick what you want, I always suggest 2k for best performance, do not pick the eyebrow addon
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  27. Beards[]
    Main File- Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Beards 5.0.1
    FOMOD- Select Full install and High 2048
    Rules- Place this After Nordic Faces
  28. Brows[]
    Main File- Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Brows 4.1
    FOMOD- Select Full install and High 1028
    Rules- Place this After Nordic Faces

NPC Replacers 2

  1. Authentic Eyes[]
    Main File- Authentic Eyes v1.1
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  2. RS Children Overhaul[]
    Main File- RSSE Children Overhaul 1.1.3 with hotfix 1 v1.1.3HF1
    FOMOD- Select USSEP, 2k Aventus and Wanderer Outfit and Facial Animation
    Rules- Place this After High Poly Expressive Npcs and Nordic Faces
  3. Realistic RS Children Overhaul[]
    Main File- Realistic RS Children v4.5
    Main File- Realistic RS Children 4.7 Update
    Rules- Place v4.5 After everything it asks, then place the 4.7 update After everything it asks
  4. RS Children Patch Compendium[]
    Main File- RSC FOMOD Beta v5.1
    FOMOD- Select Forgotten City and Interesting Npcs
    Rules- Place this After HPENPC Interesting Npcs
  5. Inigo the Suave - High-Poly Replacer[]
    Main File- High-Poly Inigo Replacer - FOMOD installer v3.0
    FOMOD- Pick what you want, I went with custom hair blue
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  6. Orc Overhaul SE[]
    Main File- Orc Overhaul Extreme v1.0
    Optional File- Orc Overhaul Extreme - Imperious Patch v1.0
  7. ApachiiSkyHair SSE[]
    This was added in late to fix a missing hair texture for Xander in Northbourne NPCs of Haafingar
    Main File- ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_3
    Rules- Place this Before all the Northbourne Npc mods

If you run into any black face, I resolved all the conflicts that would cause black face in my patch to be installed at the end of the guide and I have not seen any in my game, I am not using this mod myself, but you may find it useful, but I wouldnt install it unless you need it
Face Discoloration Fix[]

Player Character Creation- Known Issues
When you create your player character, go over to Head, then go down to Face Parts and make sure it is on Skyrim.esm and not High Poly Head, this will fix the hair clipping, for the eye brows and beards clipping, make sure and do not use the high poly head ones, use only beards.esp and skyrim.esm and for brows only brows.esp and skyrim.esm, this will fix the beard and eye brow clipping

Clothes, Weapons, and Armor 1

  1. RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition[]
    Main File- RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition - 2K v3.0
    Rules- Place this After Static Mesh Improvement
  2. RUSTIC AMULETS - Special Edition[]
    Main File- RUSTIC AMULETS SE v2.0
  3. Gemling Queen Jewelry SE[]
    Main File- Gemling Queen Jewelry SE v4.1SE
    FOMOD- Select Amulets, Rings, and Dawnguard Addon, then select Gamich Amulet Textures 1024 and Gamwich Ring Textures- Combined 1k
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
    Now go into the game folder, Skyrim Special Edition/Data and delete the GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp, back in Vortex Deploy your mods and confirm the changes
  4. JS Circlet Replacer[]
    Main File- JS Circlet Replacer v1.0
  5. Circlet USSEP Fixes[]
    Main File- JS Circlet Replacer USSEP Fix v1.0
    Main File- RAW SSE - 2K v3.0
  7. aMidianBorn Book of Silence SE[]
    Optional File- aMidianBorn Book of Silence SE -- ARMORS 1.9.1
    FOMOD- Select Custom and Pick whatever you like
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
    Optional File- aMidianBorn Book of Silence SE -- DRAGONBORN v1.9.1
    FOMOD- Select Custom, All you need from this one is Nordic Carved Armor
    Optional File- aMidianBorn Book of Silence SE -- UNIQUE ITEMS v1.9.1
    FOMOD- Select Custom and Pick whatever you like
    Optional File- aMidianBorn Book of Silence SE -- WEAPONS v1.9.1
    FOMOD- Select Install all weapons
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  8. CC's HD Daedric Weapons and Armor[]
    Main File- CC's HD Daedric Weapons and Armor - 2K v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Rustic Armor and Weapons
  9. CC's HD Dwemer Weapons and Armor[]
    Main File- CC's HD Dwemer Weapons and Armor - 2K v1.0
    Rules- Place this After anything it asks
  10. CC's UHD Stalhrim Weapons and Armor[]
    Main File- CC's UHD Stalhrim Weapons and Armor - 2K v1.0
  11. 4K Bonemold Retexture[]
    Main File- 2K Bonemold Retexture v1.1
  12. Ancient Falmer Armor Redone[]
    Main File- Ancient Falmer Armor Redone 2K v1.0
  13. Remiros' Chitin Armor HD[]
    Main File- Remiros' Chitin Armor HD - 2k v1.0
  14. Frankly HD Nightingale Armor and Weapons[]
    Main File- Frankly HD Nightingale Armor and Weapons 1.1
    FOMOD- Select 2k
  15. Frankly HD Shrouded Armor[]
    Main File- Frankly HD Shrouded Armor _ 1.1
    FOMOD- Select 2k
    Rules- Place this After Rustic Armor and Weapons
  16. Frankly HD Thieves Guild Armors[]
    Main File- Frankly HD Thieves Guild Armors v1.0
    FOMOD- Select 2k
    Rules- Place this After Rustic Clothing
  17. Frankly HD Dawnguard Armor and Weapons[]
    Main File- FranklyHD Dawnguard Armor and Weapons v1.3
    FOMOD- Select 2k
  18. Frankly HD Dragonbone and Dragonscale - Armor and Weapons[]
    Main File- Frankly HD Dragonbone and Dragonscale 2k v1.0
    Update File- Frankly HD Dragonbone and Dragonscale - Mesh patch v1.1
    Rules- Place this After the main file
  19. Frankly HD Imperial Armor and Weapons[]
    Main File- Frankly HD Imperial Armor And Weapons 2k v1.0
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  20. Frankly HD Masque of Clavicus Vile[]
    Main File- Frankly HD Masque of Clavicus Vile 2k
    Rules- Place this After Rustic Clothing
  21. DragonPriest Retexture - SE[]
    Main File- DragonPriest Re-texture HD 2K v1.8
    FOMOD- Select Everything, but only select 1 Dagger Option, then select ESPFE
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  22. Elven Weapons for Silence SE[]
    Optional File- Leanwolf Elven - Default Silver v1.0
    Place this Before Enb Light
  23. Ebony Weapons 2k[]
    This is an Oldrim mod I ported
    Main File- Ebony Weapons 2k
    drag and drop the download into the Drop Files box at the bottom of Vortex
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light
  24. Realistic HD Woodcutter's Axe Remastered[]
    Main File- Realistic HD Woodcutter's Axe Remastered v1.0
  25. Realistic HD Pickaxe Remastered[]
    Main File- Realistic HD Pickaxe Remastered v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Woodcutters axe
  26. 4K Ancient Nordic Pickaxe[]
    Optional File- 2K Nordic Pickaxe v1.1
    Rules- Place this After Ruins Clutter Improved
  27. 4K Hunting Bow[]
    Optional File- 2K Hunting Bow
    Rules- Place this After amidianborn
  28. LongBow 4K Retexture[]
    Optional File- Longbow 2K Retexture v1.1
  29. SavrenX Lux Weapons[]
    Download all the Main Files with a Manual Download, then create a new folder and name it SavrenX Lux Weapons, this works best to open up 2 File Explorer windows and have them side, by side, extract each download and go inside its folder and drag its data folder into your new SavrenX Lux Weapons folder, select replace each time it asks for the cubemap conflict, after you do them all, repack that data folder in your work folder, name it SavrenX Lux Weapons and drop it into the Drop Files Box at the bottom of Vortex
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light and After anything else it asks
  30. Sheathed Ebony Blade[]
    Optional File- Sheathed Ebony Blade - SavrenX Lux Weapons v1.0
    Rules- Place this After SavrenX Lux Weapons

Clothes, Weapons, and Armor 2

  1. Remiros' Dawnbreaker HD[]
    Main File- Remiros' Dawnbreaker HD v1.0
  2. Remiros' Scimitar HD[]
    Main File- Remiros' Scimitar HD 2k v1.0
  3. Matching Blades Sword And Scabbard[]
    Main File- Matching Blades Sword and Scabbard v1.2
    Optional File- More Reflective Blade v1.2
    Rules- Place this After Cleaned Textures, and Place the Optional File After everything it asks
  4. Guards Armor Replacer SSE[]
    Main File- Guards Armor Replacer v5.5a
    Rules- Place this After rallys hooks and saws
    On the Plugins Page in Vortex enable the LoS II TML- Guards Armor Replacer patch.esp from earlier in the guide
    On the plugins page select Manage Rules and create this rule, then select Add, Close and Sort Now at the top
    ele_sse.esp / Must Load After / guards armor replacer.esp
    You can now enable the los ii tml- guard armor replacer patch.esp from way earlier in the guide
  5. New Legion[]
    Main File- Base v1.0
    Main File- Textures Medium v1.0
    Rules- Place the Textures Medium After Rallys Hooks and Saws and Guards Armor Replacer
  6. NPC Clothes Redone[]
    This is WiZkiDs npc clothes replacer, and it all so has bookbags that are craftable at any Tanning Rack
    Main File- NPC Cloth Redone 2.2
    drag and drop the download into the Drop Files box at the bottom of Vortex
    FOMOD- Select nothing but Main Assets
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  7. Believable weapons[]
    Main File- Believable weapons SE- v1.0.2
    FOMOD- Select Full and Greatsword scabbards, then select amidianborn skyforge weapons, Frankly Dawnguard, and Frankly Imperial
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light and SavrenX Lux, then place this After anything else it asks
  8. The Revamped Quiver[]
    Optional File- The Revamped Quiver 2k Installer v1.3
    FOMOD- Select what you want, only one pick for each type
    Rules- Place this Before Enb Light, then After anything else it asks
  9. Alteration Staff HD - SE[]
    Main File- Alteration Staff HD - with Enb-Light v1.0
    FOMOD- select 2k
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  10. Illusion Staff HD - SE[]
    Main File- Illusion Staff HD - with Enb-Light v1.0
    FOMOD- select 2k
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  11. Restoration Staff HD - SE[]
    Main File- Restoration Staff HD - with Enb-Light v1.3
    FOMOD- select 2k
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  12. Conjuration Staff HD - SE[]
    Main File- Conjuration Staff HD - with Enb-Light v1.2
    FOMOD- select 2k
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  13. Goonz Weapons and Armor Pack[]
    This pack covers most of all the vanilla weapons and armor
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this Before Ancient Imperial Septims, Authentic Eyes, and Northbourne Falkreath, then place it After everything else
    This pack will make Frankly HD Dragonbone and Dragonscale - Mesh patch redundant, so just uninstall it, they are all so some of these previous armor retextures you will no longer need, but for now you can just stack it on top of them, until I come back and update the guide

Conflict Resolution and Patches

  • Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official)[]
    Main File- Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) v2.5.6
    FOMOD- FOMOD- Select Enhanced Lights and FX, Fossil Mining, Vigilant, Guards Armor Replacer, The Forgotten City, The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, Ars Metallica, Audio Overhaul for Skyrim, Immersive Sounds Compendium, Missives, New Legion, Organized Bandits In Skyrim, RS Children, SkyTest- Realistic Animals and Predators, Trade and Barter, Ruins Clutter Improved, Skyrim Particle Patch for Enb, Static Mesh Improvement
    Rules- Place this Before JS Dragon Claws- Amethyst Patch and Lanterns of Skyrim II and then After everything it asks

    Most of this mod lists conflicts have already been resolved by Patches from mod authors and load order, for what is left I have made a big conflict resolution patch to be installed instead of using wyre bash

  • Main Conflict Resolution Patch[]
    If you skipped any mods, you may be missing a masters on this and need to use the individual patches listed below
    Download it, drag and drop it into the drop files box at the bottom of Vortex and install and enable
  • Missives Solstheim NPC Patch[]
    This just forwards facegen data from High Poly Expressive Npcs to 3 npcs that Missives Solstheim esp references to keep from getting black face, this patch is not in the main conflict patch yet or the bundle of patches below, so you will need this if you are using Missives and the Solstheim addon
  • Goonz Skyrim Immersive Creatures Patch[]
    Obviously you only need this if you are using Skyrim Immersive Creatures mod from my list
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
  • Goonz Skyrim Immersive Creatures Patches no ELE and LotD[]
    If you skipped ELE or LotD and can not use Goonz Skyrim Immersive Creatures Patch, then use one of these, I made 3 different patches for people that skipped 1 of these mods or both, if you ended up skipping one of the other masters and cant use one of these, then let me know and I can remove the records for you and clean its masters
    Download it and extract it first, inside you will find the 3 patches, pick the one you need and Drag and Drop it into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
  • Goonz Skyrim patches[]
    This is a pack of all the conflict patches I made, separated individually, that way if you passed on some of the mods, you can use this instead of the main patch
    Download it and extract it first, then pick out what you need and drag and drop it into Vortex
  • Northbourne and High Poly Expressive NPCs NPCs Patches[]
    This is if you used AI Overhaul SSE, instead of Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul SE, I maintain a Patch hub on Nexus for the npc replacers and the Armors in this guide, you should only need the AI overhaul Patches and you will need the AI Overhaul patch installed from the FOMOD on Npc Clothes Redone

LOOT Messages

Any mods that I have left ITM records in them, require those ITMs to function, if you clean them, you will break the mod.
All the LOOT messages left, you can ignore, they just say it is recommended to read the Compatibility Notes and I have read them all, you can ignore the rest of these messages
This Loot message just means that one script from skyui is getting overwriiten by a script in Thunderchild, which is the same exact script, because the author accidentally packed the skyui script in his mod, all that matters is the game still has access to this script and it does, everything functions as intended, as an alternative, which I did not do this, you could unpack the thunderchild bsa and delete the ski_playerloadgamealias.pex out of the scripts folder, then repack it as a bsa, recompress the mod with 7zip and drop it into Vortex, to make the loot message go away
Apolcalypse does contain a wild edit that disables the riverflow in that cell, but on my mod list we have water for enb coming after, overwritting and re-enabling it, so you do not have to delete anything out of its plugin
LOOT recommends you use Bug Fixes SSE, I do not use this mod, just ignore it


  • A Quality World Map Loose Files[]
    You will all so need this, it is the map mod used in this guide, all I did was extract the bsa and repack it as loose, because lodgen overwrites the maps roads, so you want to uninstall the map, and use this one, and in its conflict rules, let it overwrite lodgen output
  • Goonz LodGen Output[]
    This is my lodgen output, it requires Tamrielic Landscapes and Goonz Landscape Addons, it has generated worldspaces for The Grey Crowl mod and Vigilant, so if you skipped those you can extract it and delete there folders
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this Before Quality World Map Loose

    Sometimes in the snow areas with Tamrelic Landscapes, the snow color in the distant lod can appear greyish during certain weathers, like sunny, this is because of the landscape noise texture that comes with the mod, and if you use another noise texture it will fix the snow, but mess up the greener areas, it is what it is, I just wanted to make you aware that way you know you didn't make a mistake, its really not that bad, I just wanted to mention it

    Its important that you follow this section exactly, if you mess up one letter you will generate lod files straight in your game folder

    Click the link for xLODGen beta 84 and download it from the link that sheson provided.
    After extract the download and rename the folder SSSELODGen and move the folder to your Modding Tools folder, then open it up and rename the x64 executable to SSSELODGen64.exe, On the same drive as your modding tools folder, create a new folder, not inside of anything else, just on the main drive and name it SSELODGen_Output

    On the dashbord in Vortex, select add a tool, for Target, select the folder icon out to the right and direct it to that SSSELODGen64.exe in your Modding Tools folder, for Command Line, enter this

    -sse -o:"Drive Letter:\SSELODGen_Output"
    My modding Tools folder is on my D drive so my command would look like this
    -sse -o:"D:\SSELODGen_Output"

    After click run on the Vortex dashboard, once its loads up, right click in the worldspace box and click Select All, then select Terrain Lod, no Objects Lod or Tree Lod, Terrain Lod only, no Occlusion either, it starts you out on LOD4, you have to set it up for Lod4, Lod8, Lod16, and Lod32, Ill share my settings below, I set them low for performance, but they look just as good as a high output

    When lodgen is done generating, you will get a message saying its complete at the bottom, you can then close it out and you will find the Output in your SSELODGen_Output Folder we created, open it up and pack the meshes and textures folders into one single archive and name it SSELODGen_Output and drag and drop it into the Drop Files box at the bottom of Vortex
    Rules for LodGen Output- Place it Before A Quality World Map Loose Files


  • Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD[]
    Miscellaneous file- DynDOLOD 3.00 vAlpha-49
    Extract the download and place the Dyndolod folder into your modding tools folder

    Open the dashboard tab in Vortex and click add a tool, name it DynDOLODx64, for the command line put -sse ,for target click the folder icon and go to your modding tools folder, DynDOLOD folder and click the DynDOLODx64.exe and click open on the bottom right corner then click save on Vortex.

    Open the dashboard tab in Vortex and click add a tool, name it TexGenx64, for the command line put -sse ,for target click the folder icon and go to your modding tools folder, DynDOLOD folder and click the TexGenx64.exe and click open on the bottom right corner then click save on Vortex

  • DynDOLOD Resources SE 3[]
    Main File- DynDOLOD Resources SE 3 vAlpha-15
    FOMOD- Select all the Visual Options, then select Desync Birds of Prey
    Rules- Place the After the Skyrim Particle Patch and Skyrim realistic Overhaul, then Before everything else it asks
  • Better Dyndolod Red Mountain Plume[]
    Main File- Better DyndoLOD Red Mountain Plume v1.0
    Rules- Place this After Dyndolod Resources
  • Majestic Mountains[]
    Optional File- DynDoLod V 3.0 Lod pack (all versions) v1.1
    FOMOD- Select Main
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  • PreGenerated Lod
    Below is my Texgen and Dyndolod Output, if you did not skip any mods, followed my instructions on load order and do not want to generate your own, then you can use mine, if not skip to the instructions below and generate your own
  • Goonz TexGen[]
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks
  • Goonz Dyndolod[]
    Drag and Drop the download into the Drop Files box in Vortex to install
    Rules- Place this After everything it asks

    I will provide my settings at the bottom in screenshots, after instructions, they are good performance settings, I suggest you stick to those, there really is no need to go any higher, all it will do is kill your frame rate

  • Instructions
    Lanuch TexGenx64 from the Vortex dashboard, for Select Output Path, it should already be directed to your Modding Tools/DynDOLOD/TexGen_Output if for some reason it is not then close it out and go make 2 new folders inside your DynDOLOD folder titled TexGen_Output and DynDOLOD_Output and launch TexGenx64 and direct it to your new TexGen_Output folder

    After TexGen is done, exit out and go to Modding Tools/DynDOLOD/TexGen_Output and inside will be a new textures folder, with 7zip compress that textures folder and name it TexGen Lod Output and drag it into Vortex in the Drop Files Box at the bottom and install and enable, for the rules place this after everything it asks, Then go back into your modding tools folder, inside the TexGen_Output folder, you can delete the new textures folder, now deploy your mods again to be on the safe side so the next part does not waste your time

    Launch DynDOLODx64 from the Vortex dashboard, on the first pop up window select Advanced, then select High in the right corner and for the rest follow my screenshot below, after it is done, go into the output folder and compress all of it into a zip and drag it into Vortex, install and enable, for the Rules place it After everything it asks

    If you are using A little tree mod WIP like me, then do not put the brightness on -5 like in my 2nd Dyndolod picture, leave it on 0, -5 is a setting I use for Enhanced Vanilla Trees

Snow Patching

Snow Patch

  • Mators xEdit Patching Framework[]
    Click top download, the extract it and place all the contents inside your Xedit folder
  • Better Dynamic Snow Patcher xEdit[]
    Main File- Better Dynamic Snow Patcher xEdit Script v1.6
    Download this with a manual download, and extract the download and place the BetterDynamicSnowPatcher.pas into this folder Modding Tools/XEdit/Edit Scripts
    After launch Xedit from the Vortex dashboard and after everything loads in, right click on the left side and select Apply scripts, and in the drop down menu for Script, select BetterDynamicSnowPatcher and click Ok, name it snow patch and let it run and select Ok for everything it asks, after it done close Xedit and select Yes to save your changes, on the Plugins page in Vortex enable your snow patch.esp and select Manage Rules at the top and create this rule, after select Add, then Close and select Sort Now at the top.
    snow patch.esp / Must Load After/ dyndolod.esp

MCM Settings

On the mods not mentioned here, I changed nothing, just left them as is, make sure and use my Wildcat and Ultimate Combat settings

  • AGO
    I disable Arrow Wounds (Player) Off
  • Enhanced Blood
    I like Screen Blood Off
  • Follower Framework
    Only Sandbox in Town

    No Player Damage to Teammates
    Revive After Combat

  • Immersive Creatures
    Difficulty Adjustments
    Global Difficulty- Novice
    I recommend you put the Difficulty on Novice, because some of these creatures can be damage sponges and the way my mod list is setup, there is nothing else in the game this way
  • Immersive HUD
    Select key press toggles
    - Options
    Hide shout Meter with Compass
    Enable fast fade on all 3
  • Moonlight Tales
    Difficulty Scale will determine how powerful your abilities are, I select Expert and I play on Adept

    Disable Transform Back Stagger and Werewolf Loot
    Disable this to use the werewolf texture replacer in my mod list or pick what skin you want
  • OBIS-Patrols
    Enable and Difficulty Tough, which is the lowest difficulty for them
  • SSOB
    Quest Markers On
  • Trade and Barter
    Enable Modify Barter Settings and select the Medium Preset
    Or set this up however you like
  • Ultimate Combat
    Timed Block Off
    Effective Time 0
    Blur Strength 0
    Locational Damage Multi 0
    Everything else underneath it Off
    Swing Effect Off
  • Wildcat
    Disable Injuries and Times Block
    Under Stamina Cost, turn Bow Cost to 0 and Disable Pulled Hold Box
    Under Difficulty, checkbox Allow Wildcat to Manage Difficulty On
  • Violens
    Adavancing Killmoves - Last Enemy
    Camera View - 1st Person
    Player Killmove Immunity - On
    Decapitations - On
    Decapitation Chance - 50%
    Ranged Killmoves - Off
  • Your Choice Matters- DB
    Here you can toggle the Alternate Ending, I didn't, I just enabled notifications and got there on my own


To find this stuff that I add quickly, press ctrl and F at the same time to bring up a search box and just paste each mods name listed in the changelogs one at a time into the serach box and press enter, it should take you straight to it

  • Changelogs for 10-14-21
  • Updated Mods to current versions
  • Immersive Sounds Compendium to Main File v3.0
  • Audio Overhaul - Immersive Sounds Integration Main File v1.0.2
  • Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) to Main File v2.5.6
  • My Main Conflict Resolution Patches at the very end have been updated for the current version of Immersive Sounds Compendium, so you must update in order to use my patch
  • Removed Stuff
  • Removed Guards Dialogue Overhaul plugin rule for RDO
  • Removed Guards Armor Replacer plugin rule for ELFX Enhancer
  • ELFX Enhancer option from the ELFX FOMOD
  • Nordic Tent upgrade by Pfuscher
  • 4K Imperial Tents Retexture
  • High Fantasy Whiterun
  • Added Stuff
  • Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - Special Edition
  • ELE-ELFX Consistency Patch and Tweaks
  • Added plugin rule for Guards Armor Replacer and ELE
  • Alternate Start
  • Immersive Citizens FOMOD instructions
  • Added plugin rule for Immersive Citizens and Alternate Start
  • Interesting NPCs SE - Alternative Locations file
  • Landscape Fixes for Grass mods and Alternate Start patch
  • Less Distracting Blowing Snow Effects for ENB Particle Patch
  • Better Moon
  • Thunderbolt HD
  • Illustrious Whiterun SE
  • Extravagant Interiors - Solitude
  • Extravagant Interiors - Solitude 4K
  • Skyland Imperial and Nordic Tents
  • Rally's Quill and Inkwell
  • Northern Marsh Bridges SE
  • Added Northern Marsh Bridges to be checked from the Lanterns Of Skyrim II - FOMOD
  • Dragon Animation Replace in Special Edition
  • A little tree mod WIP Add-On - DynDOLOD 3
  • Legacy of The Dragonborn - Lighting Mod
  • Legacy of The Dragonborn - Dwemer Compass Replace
  • LOTD Your Choices Matter Patch
  • Alteration Staff HD
  • Illusion Staff HD
  • Restoration Staff HD
  • Conjuration Staff HD
  • 10-16-21
  • Removed No Killmoves - No Killcams - No Killbites SE
  • Added JContainers SE
  • Added VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE
  • Changed a conflict rule on Better Dirt Cliffs and Alphas
  • 10-18-21
  • Removed Stuff
  • Elementi - Flame Atronach VSFX Rework
  • Goonz Farmhouse Setup
  • Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soul Gems
  • Rustic Dragon Corpse
  • Removed SSE Parallax Shader Fix, the fix has been incorporated into enb binaries
  • Better Ropes
  • Added Stuff
  • WiZkiD Parallax Farmhouses
  • Farmhouse Chimneys SE
  • SD's Farmhouse Fences SE
  • Tundra Grass Remover
  • Frankly HD Dragon Bones
  • Soulgem Stand Redone
  • Adjusted Conflict Rules
  • 3D Furniture
  • Rudys Misc
  • Glorious Doors
  • Dragon Bone and Scales
  • 10-19-21
  • Removed Realistic Armor
  • Removed Seranaholic by rxkx22 - SSE
  • Removed Bijin Skin for Bijin Family SE
  • Removed Bijin Family - Salt and Wind Textures SE
  • Added Serana Re-Imagined SE
  • Updated the Conflict Resolution section
  • 10-20-21
  • Removed Mods
  • Rudy ENB SE for Cathedral Weathers v2.0
  • cbbe
  • cbbe skin
  • frankly dawnguiard cbbe patch
  • frankly nightingale cbbe patch
  • amidianborn cbbe patch
  • gemling jewelry cbbe patch
  • 2K Alchemy Workbenches
  • JS Purses and Septims SE
  • Added mods
  • Rudy ENB SE for Cathedral Weathers v4.01a
  • Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows
  • UNP Female Body Renewal
  • Spice of Life - Orc Longhouses
  • WiZkiD Alchemy Table
  • WiZkiD - Hall of the Dead Stained Glass Windows
  • Ancient Imperial Septims - Classic Gold
  • JS Coin Sacks
  • Icy Windhelm
  • Windhelm Lighthouse
  • More Snow on the Road
  • Extraordinary Eggs SE
  • Smaller Moons
  • 10-23-21
  • Added Rudy HQ - Falling Leaves and Needles for ENB
  • Added ElSopa - HD Giant Mortars Redone SE
  • Added new section Add On Weapons and Armor
  • Added Finally First Person Magic Animation for SSE
  • Added RBEs Enhanced 1st Person Camera Bob
  • Added Ice skating fixed for real
  • Added Enemy Magelock - NPC Magic Casting Commitment
  • 10-28-21
  • Removed Better Stealth AI for followers
  • Removed Followers Dont Draw Weapons
  • Added Nether's Follower Framework
  • Added SDA Nether's Follower Framework Patch
  • Added Missives
  • Added Missives - Solstheim Patch
  • Added Missives Notes Retexture
  • Added Missives - The Witcher Board HD
  • Added Fossil Mining
  • Fossil Mining Map Markers
  • Added New Section for Vigilant mod and all the stuff that goes with it
  • Added More Ash on the Road - Only
  • Added Solstheim Objects SMIMed
  • Added Dragonborn Ingredients
  • Updated Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) FOMOD instructions
  • Added Missives Solstheim NPC Patch
  • Added MCM Settings for Follower Framework
  • 11-4-21
  • Added Goonz Creature Nifs
  • Added Goonz HH and Skytest Patch
  • Added FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script - FISS
  • Added Skyrim Immersive Creatures
  • Added SIC SE - Add-Ons and Patches
  • Added Goonz Skyrim Immersive Creatures Patch
  • Added Goonz HH and Skytest Patch for SIC
  • Added Skyrim Immersive Creatures MCM Settings
  • Added Goonz Weapons and Armor Pack
  • Added Windows 2k
  • Added a Pregenerated Lod, both my TexGen and Dyndolod Outputs
  • Updated Goonz Lodgen Output, so it now includes the Vigilant mods Worldspaces
  • Updated the FOMOD instructions for College of Winterhold HD SE, added Banners option
  • Updated the FOMOD instructions for Fort Dawnguard HD - SE added Banners option
  • Updated the Rules for Ennead Banners

    I probably want be playing Skyrim for the next couple months, going to be playing the new Age of Empires 4, the new Call of Duty Vanguard, Updating my Fallout New Vegas guide, and making a Fallout 3 guide, so they want be anymore updates for at least a couple months, but I do have some great plans for this list and will be adding plenty more to it in a couple months

Skyrim Where to Find an Ancient Nordic Pickaxe


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